Durchgreifendes Vorgehen gegen illegales Sport-Streaming legt große Piraterie-Websites auf Eis



  1. Make sports legal again!

    Fuck crackdowns!

    Ship safety!

    Information exchange freedom!

  2. sopapordondelequepa on

    Good luck lol don’t feel any sympathy for networks charging insane fees to watch sports (across multiple different platforms as well)

  3. shitsenorita on

    RIP to my favorite streams that’d been reliable for years until this season 😭

  4. fizzlefist on

    I’d pay for legal streaming options, except that the archaic blackout rules apply and I can’t watch my local teams without using a VPN. And they’re cracking down on those as well anyway.

    If short, they will not sell me a usable product and then whine when I find alternatives.

    They can fuck right off.

  5. Far_Rabbit_7093 on

    lol piracy will never slow down as long as subscription models fade away

  6. These media companies never learn.

    If you sell your product at a fair price without any stupid restrictions, piracy will go down.

  7. wambulancer on

    LOL patting themselves on the back

    Spoiler alert: didn’t affect me in the slightest

    Double Spoiler Alert: I’m not checking but I guarantee .app or .kv or whatever other thousand non-US registries of the mentioned sites are already up and running, “shutting them down” is a pointless endeavor. I have had it happen mid-game and it takes no more than 30 seconds of clicking around to find an alternative.

    These leagues are being extra boomer and beyond stupid tackling this the way they are. They should probably go hit up Gabe Newell for some insight because gaming doesn’t have even a third of the problem piracy used to be and it ain’t because Activision shut down Pirate Bay. It’s an access problem through and through. League Pass needs to offer all games. Your local team’s stream option needs to offer all of that team’s games. Every stream option is a half measure that black outs this or that for these and those networks, making a useless confusing bloated hodgepodge of garbage product.

    Why tf would any sane consumer go through that song and dance when every single game in every single major league can be found in one place at “good enough” quality?

  8. prog_discipline on

    I remember being able to watch live sports for free (antenna TV). The only cost was watching the ads during breaks in play. Now you have to pay for the cable service and THEN pay for the sports package and there are STILL ads you have to sit through. American football is the only sport that you can still watch (with limitations based on your hometown). I also remember when TiVo would record your programs and block out the commercials so you could just continuously watch the game/show/movie. My neighbor still records the games on his DVR and watches later so he can skip the ads.

  9. It’s quite literally impossible to watch all the games you want to watch either legally or without paying absurd amounts. These leagues (looking at you, NHL) will never learn that unless regional blackouts and blackouts for games that are on TV go away, they will never be able to rake in the money. The more you can watch in one place, the more money you will make. Just look at the sites you’re cracking down on, everything in one place and now you want to shut them down because people actually use them.

  10. alley_mo_g10 on

    Good luck stopping all of them. I refuse to pay out the ass to watch a few games.

  11. I will keep pirating my NFL games until they make it cheap, convenient and black out free for us consumers. Oh, and give me all games in ONE platform.

  12. ornery_bob on

    The NFL can go fuck itself. We’ve subscribed to every service needed to view their games. We went out of the country and assumed we could catch the Bills play only to find out we need yet ANOTHER fucking service to do it. I’m dropping all of this shit after this season is done.

  13. Buckets-of-Gold on

    This is the first NFL season I’ve ever followed in my entire life- I went from maybe 2 or 3 games watched in total to 2-3 games watched a week.

    I genuinely tried to pay for subscriptions to watch the games, from multiple different websites. They are incredibly painful to use and confusing for a new customer.

    I just about lost my shit when I signed up for a (wild in retrospect) 24 hour trial / $70 charge- only to discover the game they *advertised in my checkout window* was blacked out.

    The illegal streaming site my buddy sent me takes two clicks to pull up any game I want.

  14. So glad I don’t watch any major sports anymore because what an absolute nightmare it’s become.

  15. Piltonbadger on

    £1500 ish a year if I want to watch all my football team’s matches across the season.

  16. WhoisJackieDaytona on

    I pay for the NFL ticket and still can’t reliably watch my team. Fuck these people.

  17. Ya I’m not paying $80 a month to watch the 2024 raiders.

    MLB is reasonably priced. The nfl can kick rocks with their insane pricing.

  18. action_turtle on

    Too much money. Then what’s really insane is that I have to use a dodgy firestick to watch United play a PL game via a US tv channel.

  19. Fuck the NFL and their streaming options. I paid for Sunday ticket through YouTube with a sale just to find out they still blackout games. What’s the fucking point?

    I’m going back to the seas. Sure the broadcast is a little behind or I have to refresh it occasionally. But fuck paying literal hundreds of dollars just to have the game I want to watch not allowed to be shown. And RedZone is starting to play ads so doubly fuck that.

  20. BigGayGinger4 on

    The advertisers are paying for eyeballs

    Media distributors are overcharging every player in the game to artificially restrict viewership for “exclusivity rights”

    but exclusivity reduces the eyeballs on the screen. Advertisers pay the same for less, and customers must pay more to access the media that they and the advertisers both want to be played in their region.

    Media exclusivity contracts (blackouts) abuse both the consumer watching the media and the advertiser paying to support the media.

    Streaming a blacked out game is not piracy. It is not piracy to access content that the advertiser paid to show you, that is being artificially restricted by a middleman.

    Telecomm companies, in this cases, are behaving like insurance companies. Fuck them to death. Argh me hearties.

  21. What crackdown? You can’t stop it. A new one will pop up. They’ll call the new one the Michael Scott Paper Company 

  22. hi_im_fuzzknocker on

    As a raider fan in far north California who has had zero regular games available in my region, the nfl will either lose me or I may have to abandon my team.

  23. I’m not paying for any of that , I’m sorry this shit got to expensive , we cut the cord to save money. Now each stand alone service is more expensive than if you have cable , so. I’m ready to return my television to Costco , I’m not , American love to overpay for things I’m not paying for Amazon,espn+,Netflix,hbo,paramount plus,Hulu etc. I’m sorry. If I can watch it on the, on pirated site I wont watch , and on top of all that you need a good internet service.

  24. DAZN is garbage! Make it more reliable, actually provide customer support, and charge 50% of the current rate and I’ll subscribe

  25. shrimpynut on

    When one site goes down another 10 come up. It’s a never ending cycle since then internet was found. Piracy is never going away no matter how hard they try.

  26. They’re only driving piracy up. What happened to paying $39 a month for cable service with ESPN and getting every game all year long? Now you need cable plus an extra subscription … oh wait but this is Fox Sports 1 or ESPN+ so please add this additional $8 to watch the rod slam Yankees and Dodgers play. No thanks.

  27. New NBA model: user adds $228 annually to have license to all games for specific team ($2 x max number of games). If team wins, $2 is deducted from account. If team loses, $1 is deducted. Left over balances can be applied to subsequent year.

  28. OverBoard7889 on

    Have some create an app where I can subscribe to whatever sport I want with no blackouts or restrictions and I’d pay, but they’d rather try to milk and restrict access so fuck them.

  29. SuperToxin on

    It’s so stupid to watch all the raptors games you need two $30-50 subscriptions in Canada.

  30. Those morons like Shefter tweeting out pics of him watching these sites don’t help

  31. guitarguywh89 on

    They put ads in my red zone. If I’m paying money I want my hours of *commercial free football*

    Fuck them

  32. Sucks, in my town, an antenna gets you 0.0 channels. Way too many hills. Stuck paying for all the services , thank god for Black Friday specials

  33. Shotinthe_yarm on

    Having to pay for 4 different streaming subscriptions to watch two teams I support is bs. 

  34. rob3rtisgod on

    Murder, robbery, Fraud? Nah let’s go after people with dodgy boxes because that’s a better investment of resources lmao.

  35. blackhornet03 on

    When the NHL went behind a paywall, I quit watching. When the NBA went behind a paywall, I quit watching. Now the NFL is moving completely behind a paywall, and I will stop watching them as well. They need me, but I don’t need them. Quit picking my pocket!

  36. xxxx69420xx on

    Use taxes to pay for the stadiums then charge for seats so the players/actors/musicians make life changing money from ticket sales then film it and sell it on TV. It’s all a huge scam

  37. Epsioln_Rho_Rho on

    All they are doing is pissing off fans. Eventually, they won’t care and sports will die. 

  38. Sativatoshi on

    This article seems like such BS lol

    None of my sites have gone anywhere

  39. RangerMatt4 on

    It was wild that the Christmas Day games were ONLY on Netflix. After being on public cable for 85 years.

  40. FanaticalBuckeye on

    I was able to watch all of my CFB and NFL games this season through pirated streams on YouTube. This is a losing battle for the leagues

  41. In top of all those subscriptions ads, like all those ads are runnig for free or low cost to their friends and we pay

  42. I paid for the NFL ticket to watch the games, yet I can’t get the games streamed on CBS/Paramount, Amazon Prime, Fox, and now Netflix. Wtf is the point if I need to have multiple streams to find the game I want to watch.

  43. BigRedCowboy on

    The padres came out with a service this season where I pay one time, $100 and I got to watch almost every single game. I only pirated when they exclusively showed the games on Apple TV. The nfl doesn’t have anything like that and because I can’t watch the games I want to any other way, I haven’t paid to watch an nfl game for almost ten years now.

    Good luck stopping me lol

  44. SilentJoe1986 on

    With how much these sports organizations make it still baffles me that they don’t have their own streaming service. Even when not playing live games they could show classics, or even put together biographies of players and histories of the different teams for people to watch in the off seasons. Hell, they could partner with each other to help fill those voids. I would love to pay for just one service and be able to watch any game. If they don’t want people illegally streaming their product, then they should give their fans what they want. The ability to watch the teams they like. I dont get to watch half of the games my teams play because they don’t broadcast them in my area. Thats really dumb in 2024

  45. cpthornman on

    Been watching NFL for over 30 years and can confidently say the last 5 years I have watched less and less with each year being the least I’ve ever watched. This year is no exception. Between this, the dog shit officiating, the poor on field product, and the insane gambling being shoved down our throats the NFL has some very fundamental problems they are refusing to deal with.

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