Nichtauslieferungsländer mit den USA

    Von quindiassomigli


    1. Turbulent-Artist961 on

      Note even though the US doesn’t have an extradition policy with the countries listed while they have no obligation to do so they could still extradite you anyways if the foreign government felt inclined to do so

    2. shophopper on

      Additionally, most European countries will only extradite to the United States after guarantees have been given that the person in question won’t face the death penalty.

    3. Isn’t it the case that France won’t extradite its citizens? (I believe there’s a certain Mr Polanski who has used that to his advantage.)

    4. Fun-Passage-7613 on

      If I was on the run, I’d probably go to Vietnam or Namibia.

    5. SillyWoodpecker6508 on

      Cuba and Venezuela have extradition treaties with the United States?

    6. Substantial_Web_6306 on

      Where’s Snowden now? You can refer to his escape route.

    7. Goats_for_president on

      Cuba does have a treaty, but pretty much does not follow it.

    8. Both_Painter_9186 on

      Theirs still wheeling and dealing in the background. Morocco and Vietnam are non extradition but probably would for a serious charge simply because they don’t want to start a fiasco or hurt their tourism industries. Also Cuba/ VZ/ Nicaragua? good luck getting them to extradite- this map is wrong.

    9. Peter_Murphey on

      Vietnam is a fun country. Lots of worse places to be exiled than the warm, white beaches of Danang. 

    10. dumbBunny9 on

      Fans of the movie “The Spanish Prisoner” looking at Venezuela skeptically….

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