Autofahrer müssen mit einem weiteren Kostenanstieg rechnen, da die Preise für Benzin und Diesel am 1. Januar erneut steigen

Von Jon_J_


  1. Thank god. I was only saying the other day how things are far too cheap at the moment.

  2. “Fuel retailers and distributors have denied there is any profiteering in the industry” and I am dating Margot Robbie

  3. This will surely stop people from buying petrol and not just fuck them over more

  4. Rambostips on

    I said on another thread. Corporate greed is nothing compared to government greed. They have taxed us beyond belief. The biggest price rises are all because of government initiatives. Carbon tax, VAT, tax on builders materials. All so they can buy bike sheds and safety huts.

  5. Do any of the CEO’s of petrol companies live in Ireland? Just curious like.

  6. 3 times the cars on the road than there were in the 90s clearly it’s still too cheap

  7. BoruIsMyKing on

    2c increase. Right, so that’ll be rounded upwards to the nearest 10. C#nts.

  8. Internal_Sun_9632 on

    We’ve a PHEV and BEV now and its the best thing since sliced bread. I can’t understand how I used to drop 70 odd euro every time I went to the petrol station.

    Charging them both for 7c a kw/h, so it basically feels like driving for free for two years now. The PHEV’s petrol only gets a top up once a month max.

  9. Good. Maybe take a few less trips in the car lads, or plan them better.

  10. No planning, just raise the cost, and then talk about bio fuel percentage..

  11. Exotic_Pen_8604 on

    Minimum wage and the dole goes up. So does the fuel. They have us fooled so they line their pockets.

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