Britische Mädchen trinken mehr als Jungen – und der größte Teil Europas

    Von insomnimax_99


    1. Just_Match_2322 on

      I’ve been saying this for years! And nobody ever believed me. Finally, after more than a decade of disbelief and scepticism, I am VINDICATED.

    2. coffeewalnut05 on

      Really quite embarrassing. It doesn’t add anything to your life and especially not your health.

      Our teenage mental health is some of the worst in Europe, I’m sure this has something to do with it. But no one’s ready for that convo

    3. Agreeable_Falcon1044 on

      I’m actually surprised. My lad’s generation I can imagine being into vaping…but none of them seem to drink anymore. Maybe I’m just comparing it to the 1990s where it was so normalised with the lad and ladette that it was acceptable.

    4. Having been out on a night out with a Polish girl, I call bollocks. The word Nostroviye sends chills down my spine.

    5. Parque_Bench on

      When I was at uni, the girls of the house went out drinking, normally consuming a whole bottle of wine each, in two glasses at pre’s. Us boys smoked, ate snacks and chilled. This doesn’t surprise me at all.

    6. SubjectCraft8475 on

      Is this why there are so many British women who have kids and are single mom’s making bad decisions when they are drunk. People complain about foreign people but the amount of British women on benefits such as child and housing benefit due to being single mom is insane.

    7. Top-Satisfaction5874 on

      Degeneracy has spread further and the corporations and the establishment make more money out of the public by selling them poison

      Nothing to celebrate


    8. WebDevWarrior on

      Congratulations ladies, you did it!

      We’re finally world beating at something.

      Our productivity levels are through the roof at consuming stuff.

      I bet we’ll soon have the highest rates of alcohol related diseases to match. NHS will likely be counting on that.

    9. bluecheese2040 on

      Can’t say I’m surprised. Does worry me when I see these predator scumbags out there I won’t lie.

    10. hereforcontroversy on

      Makes sense from my own experiences, was at a Christmas party and the girls were hammered off a couple of those oversized wine bottles, dancing on chairs and staggering around before two of them got in a big shouting match, and the blokes were just having quiet chats in the corners sipping beers.

    11. LilaBackAtIt on

      And the sad thing is women’s bodies are far less able to deal with alcohol than men’s and get scarred far more on far less (something to do with less of a chemical that metabolises alcohol). Women who drink heavily on nights out now and then often end up with the same liver as men who are alcoholics and consistently drink heavily. 

      People will treat this news as something funny but alcohol is such a serious health risk and causes so much pain and suffering to people and loved ones in the UK. 

    12. So we are reminded that people in this country have a proper drinking problem and clearly are unable to enjoy themselves without being an alcoholic.

    13. my3rdredditname on

      I’ve really noticed women drinking more than men. Young men seem much more excited by video games and weed these days than getting hammered. 

    14. itsheadfelloff on

      Not a massive surprise to me. I remember being out one night and saw my sis and her mates. I watched her bestie mix me a gin and tonic and it was 3/4 gin in a full half pint glass. Tried it and made the ‘this is 3/4 gin in a full half pint glass’ face. She snatched it off me and just necked it, she was still inhaling shots the rest of the night as well.

    15. ImplementAfraid on

      A title they can happily take, always wanted to be able to drink to the point of merry and stay merry. Well no, it always escalated to blotto so I just quit completely. You have one body to keep for all your days, might as well keep it maintained, you can’t fix shitty gene’s or outlaw accidents but for everything else you only have yourself to blame.

    16. strongfavourite on

      …and are also more likely than boys to claim they were spiked by a mystery villain who managed to inject them with some illicit substance without them noticing, with the sole intention of making them feel extra intoxicated, and then vanishing off into the night..


    17. NeitherLuck8268 on

      Yeah, come to think of it most of the people I see wandering about absolutely wasted are young or middle aged women. The guys are awful too but as others have said, women tend to drink heavier stuff (a lot of cocktails, gin, vodka, wine etc) whereas guys grab a couple of pints instead.

    18. Longjumping_Day_2143 on

      Imagine their kids with damaged dna, better off marrying East Asian women

    19. LadyMirkwood on

      I’m not surprised.

      When I was younger in the early 00s, me and my friends drank a lot. I used to drink pints and pint of Snakebite every Friday

      I’ve barely drank for years now, mainly one or two at Christmas. I feel like it’s something you do when you’re young but you grow out of it

    20. Travel-Barry on

      Makes you proud. 

      In the words of Clarkson, *Rosé* is just lady petrol. 

    21. somethingbannable on

      I wonder if this has any effect on fertility rates. Alcohol is a poison after all and adversely affects the ability to have children but also it has a societal culture aspect where maybe young women would rather drink and party than start families. Like hedonism vs family.

      If women keep pushing having their first child back to their mid 30s we’ll get a lot of “only children” or “one and done” couples.

      Not saying it’s a bad thing just interesting.

    22. Wild how even medical experts don’t want to go down the rabbit hole of the possible link between alcohol and the the rise in some cancers in young adults. A lot of people have a few drinks after work, drink heavily at home and then pub on Friday followed by brunch on Saturday. Only days off are maybe Sunday or Monday. Hidden/high functioning alcoholics are also a thing, I guarantee most people in this thread will know someone you know who gets smashed at home most days with you being non the wiser.

      Same with food as well, where a lot of women go to brunch and eat/drink heavily. Most of my guy friends funnily enough would rather not drink and only do it because their partners do, so they don‘t come across as boring.

    23. Working-Pool4058 on

      That’s fantastic! It’s always satisfying to finally have your perspective validated, especially after so long. It must feel great to share that moment with others who may have doubted you. Have you had a chance to celebrate this vindication?

    24. RandomCitizen_16 on

      We are designated drivers. I assume that’s why. At least that’s the case for us. I can’t drink shit because my wife doesn’t want to drive us back home.

    25. laughingatleftoids on

      Not just bigger drinkers, they take more drugs and discuss/watch for more degenerate shit openly.

    26. YesAmAThrowaway on

      Well yeah, much more likely to not needing to pay for drinks, so I assumed this would be the conclusion everybody draws anyway?

    27. Swanmanman on

      Drink is poison, absolutely wrecks lives, I’d did mine for 20 years, and has killed and ruined people close to me, ban the shit

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