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UK somehow uniquely incapable of high speed rail when other countries have been benefitting from it for the past 60-70 years.
In the time its taken the UK to not build 100 miles of rail, china has built 25,000 miles of it.
No shit! I could’ve told them that before the first digger was on site.
Any Gov run project like this is always a shambles. It’s runs over-budget, over-time… and under performs. Time and time again, we see it.
Just another waste of tax payers money that the Gov have no idea how to manage.
You can’t even blame the firms doing the work as they can only do what the people instructing them to do, say.
Goodness. And there was me thinking it was all going so well…
It was doomed when they started building from London upwards. That was always the most expensive and hardest part. You could have started at the Northern ends and be 80% done before the expensive stuff started piling up…and by then the project would be delivering regeneration projects along the way, and it wouldn’t be as controversial to release some extra funds to finish it in London.
Just build the dam thing no matter what , the main lines are absolutely packed especially the east coast one. It’s like this government doesn’t want to invest outside of London
Hahaha “needs a reset” aka “my buddies also need to make money on it, so we will reshuffle things a bit” . Just fucking build it and get over it. It’s an investment, not a liability.
Is it too late to give it all up?
Just covering Birmingham to London is fucking useless
Fundamental reset: the trough is running empty we need more cash for everyone to line their own pockets
Start in Scotland and work through the North off England toward London. It will get built because its only deemed a success in the UK if it joint to and benefits London.
Start another line from somewhere like Newquay and work toward London. It will get built because its only deemed a success in the UK if it joint to and benefits London.
The North, Midlands and South West all need investment. The North especially as we have several major cities that need fiast train connection and increased capacity. We also need to improve our train lines East-West across the country. Why does it take be longer to get from Leeds to Liverpool on the train than it does Leeds to London.
I seriously think we should get the Japanese over here to teach us how to build high speed railways, quickly and cheaply. And how to run them on time.
This is a statement by Mark Wild who has just taken over HS2, with a bit of a reset basically as his remit.
Mark Wild previously took over the Crossrail project after that turned out to be a complete mess that wouldn’t be ready on time and pushed it over the line.
I’m quietly confident given his track record that he should be able to deliver some meaningful improvements.
Completely pointless in a post Covid world, should have been scrapped years ago. If you’re going to do high speed rail then do it properly, not spend a bajillion pounds on one straight line between London and Birmingham.
Given the costs so far it seems reasonable to think that the project has been subject to significant fraud and general looting
No doubt there is a consultancy company on hand to help with the reset, for a small (huge) fee of course!
at this point what isn’t in a very serious situation in the UK. i’m tired. really tired. i’m going into 2025 with absolutely zero hope, prior years i was at least a little optimistic something big might change… not anymore.
what does one even do at this point? i’m just sad. can’t ignore the news because then i’m ignorant to the world and its problems. can’t avoid social media because that is where everything happens nowadays. i’m so over everything lol
can’t do one fucking thing for this country without ‘need more money otherwise disaster ensues’. first world country and can’t even have a functioning train system. lmao
The North Remembers.
And laughs at the stupid fuckers.
Starting in London was the biggest, and most obvious, mistake. I cannot get past how stupid this decision was.
If they started in the north, with London as the carrot on the stick, the project would absolutely make it to London without a worry.
Instead we received a corrupt project that only benefits London, classic.
HS2 is what will be one day in the very very far future
HS2 has become the media’s Whipping Boy.
They could announce today that the entire line would be built for free and people will still find headlines complaining about it.
What’s absurd is that the same papers will also screech about the dismal state of the UK railways in the same breath and not even see the inconsistency.
Why is it every government project somehow runs out of money half way through, is madly over run on time and we end up bailing them out. Do they not sign contracts anymore? Maybe if the government started saying, “no you tended for this amount. Do it or we’ll see you in court for breach of contract,” then things would get done.
Seriously feels like HS2 is months from an official review leading into cancellation
We should be contracting out to Japanese firms to build this infrastructure as our companies are continuously showing they aren’t up to it. If they want a free market this is the consequence.