OnlyFans, Pornos und der Rückgang des Kondomgebrauchs bei Teenagern

Von Tartan_Samurai


  1. marxistopportunist on

    Fewer babies. Less sex. Stay at home. Work from home. Cars are bad. Tourism unsustainable. Plastic bad for you. Food shrinking.

  2. socratic-meth on

    > Young people have also said that controversial OnlyFans adult content creators set poor examples, who made headlines after bragging of having sex with several young men in a day.

    Bloody modern sex workers not setting a good example to the kids, not like back in the day.

  3. Personal_Lab_484 on

    Anecdotal from a 26M who is a bit of a hoe at times.

    The number of women totally okay with no condom use is remarkable. In fact, I often have to argue FOR there use in hook ups as opposed to the other way round.

    I suspect most are pretty happy with BC and would get an abortion if needed, hence the complacency.

    But it is fascinating how few care. Of the 100 or so women I have had encounters with maybe 3/4? Have ever requested condoms and at least 40/50 have outright stated they don’t like them. A couple were furious at my insistence.

    This is also why I’ve ended up with chlamydia twice, both from established FWBs who I thought would be safer.

    I don’t know what has happened but condoms need to be more prioritised again!

  4. Bulky-Dog-5687 on

    I think… maybe, they’re probably not using them because sex feels much better without one.

    Just a hunch.

  5. meinnit99900 on

    We’re getting to a weird place where it’s normalised not only to go unprotected but to have more violent, rougher sex without necessarily being prepared for the risks or having the explicit consent of the other partner.

  6. Prudent-Childhood347 on

    In a world where we have block chain, public key cryptography, the internet and comprehensive SDI testing we should be able to design some kind of digital renewable SDI certificate. Porn stars frequently say they are probably safer with other people from the industry than with people who are not.

    We want the interface between harmful bacteria and antibiotics to be small. Otherwise we are literally training bacteria that infects our junk how to hurt us the most. Super gonorrhea does not sound fun.

  7. ShockingHair63 on

    As a former teacher of PE and sex ed, I worry we’re just totally losing control of the narrative and expectations around sex and relationships to the internet. So much progress was made in making the curriculum more up-to-date and thorough, but now we’re competing with huge internet forces who can access young people at any time through their phones, and I don’t know what we can do about it

  8. We are going back in history to natural selection. On all aspects.. political, social, ecological… now digitally enhanced.

  9. DalMakhani on

    Would be interesting to see if normalising condom use in porn changed wider habits. But difficult to incentivise or legislate for given bodily autonomy and adult content being made in various jurisdictions. 

  10. Why do I get the feeling that there is a simpler reason something like the PSAs on condom use have been cut for years or they aren’t covered in class or something.

  11. Educational-Air-6108 on

    The rise in HIV diagnoses is the steepest amongst heterosexual men and women, with a rise of more than 30% from 2022 according to government data.

  12. No_Replacement7469 on

    Bring back the fruity rubbers being thrown out for free at Freshers fairs and night clubs. 

  13. I find that it’s not just men who flout condom use these days. Many a woman I know don’t use them because it’s “icky” or “feels different”. Girl, surely having an STD is much more icky than a fucking johnny.

  14. People in this thread are underestimating the change of how sexually open the younger generation are. I’m 31 and there was always promiscuous girls around at school / college / uni etc. The difference then was social media was in it’s infancy. Virtually zero girls would post thirst traps online, you’d be lucky to find a bikini picture in their facebook holiday album. Women didn’t openly talk about their past experiences, fetishes, crazy ons and fwb they’ve had on TikTok for everyone to see. Even the clubbing / rave scene that was known for ‘out there’ clothing wasn’t as sexualised as it is now.

    Fast forward 15 years and near enough every young women will have a bikini shot / thirst trap on their public IG that all their family, friends, work colleagues can see. They’ve seen a million tiktoks about fetishes and crazy sex stories, they’ve seen onlyfans girls showing off their lifestyle and trying to convince them to do it, they’ve seen the boys they like favorite and repost the girls acting like whores online etc. The game has changed, social media has destroyed the taboo around a lot of stuff and the new normal is a lot different than it was in the late 2000’s.

  15. SinisterPixel on

    I’ve got to wonder if it’s down to them not seeing it in porn and therefore not using them as the article suggests, or the fact that porn is just so accessible that fewer teens are having underage sex

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