Die Energiepreise in Großbritannien fallen dank der Rekord-Windstromerzeugung unter Null
Energy prices drop below zero in UK thanks to record wind-generated electricity
Von Classy56
Die Energiepreise in Großbritannien fallen dank der Rekord-Windstromerzeugung unter Null
Energy prices drop below zero in UK thanks to record wind-generated electricity
Von Classy56
And yet just a couple of weeks ago, Octopus Agile was charging 99.9 per kW so basically £1 a unit for over 4 hours, 4x what most pay on fixed/standard tariffs. Why? Because demand was high and wind was useless as it was not windy and being this time of year solar was no help.
Smells like propaganda to me.
what a load of bollox. They gunna pay me to take this electric then by that logic. I bet my energy bill still goes up.
Haha as if we, the bill payer, will see any of that.
Yet the domestic energy price cap is actually rising from tomorrow.
Can someone let Eon know please, because they haven’t had the memo.
What it shows is that we need to invest in storing electricity or this move to renewables just isn’t going to work. Pumping water into mountain reservoirs is the cheapest way.
The problem is we don’t have a joined up strategy to deal with this yet. We’re giving lots of money (the most in the world proportionally) to industry and hoping that they sort it all out for us.
That was only between 3am and 6am which isn’t surprising. At the moment it’s already back up to £26 MWh and rising
This is like when a company makes hundreds of people redundant and tells them, on the way out, that it’ll make the company stronger and more efficient.
Good to know that energy producers will be able to make even more profit off us.
I’m on a time of use tariff so I benefit from this. From 10:30pm tonight I’m being paid 4.62p/kwh I burn. I’m planning to put everything electrical I can in. The downside is for a few hours a fortnight ago I paid 99p/kWh
This is not the price consumers pay it would be the system price, if you really want to know about it look up BETTA. It’s also not the first time it’s happened, I remember negative prices several years ago in the early hours of the morning
Yes we get this story at least once a month. Yet somehow my energy costs keep rising and are a long way from zero.
One can only assume that the renewable energy generators are absolutely raking it in as we’re forced to pay the price based on gas generation and not the actual cost.
You all know that’s a bad thing right? When energy is less than free it’s harder to invest new carbon free energy.
Oh good ofgem can use standing charges to maintain extreme profits while we still get conned
All electricity produced is charged as if it was produced by gas – even if it is wind, solar etc
“too cheep to meter” was the promise of nuclear. Maybe renewables will do it.