Wachsen diese Tomaten in Norwegen? Das sind die Originaltomaten, nicht die großen kernlosen, geschmacklosen Tomaten, die man dort drüben verkauft. Hat jemand davon jemals probiert? Welche Erfahrungen haben Sie gemacht?


Von Slow_Subject_8351


  1. mulletarian on

    Never seen a seedless tomato

    I grow my own, but they’re not off to a great start

  2. Zestyclose-Record676 on

    What are you talking about? Every tomato I have ever seen has had seeds in them.

  3. No, we don’t have “tomatoes” here. We only eat fish, potatoes and polar bear meat.

  4. LeifurTreur on

    Those tomatoes look boring and tasteless. A bit like First Price tomatoes.

    Edit: Knew i recognized that tray. Avocado and bread man.

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