EU-Ausgaben, Einnahmen, Nettosaldo nach Ländern (2023, Mio. €)

Von karavanjo


  1. The map depicts EU spending, revenue, and net balance by country for 2023 in millions of euros.

    The map is based on data obtained from the European Commission website. The source is the report available at [EU spending and revenue 2021-2027](, specifically the file “[EU spending and revenue – Data 2000-2023](”.

    For the “spending” values, the “TOTAL EXPENDITURE” row for 2023 was used for individual countries and the EU-27 total. For the “revenue” values, the “TOTAL Own resources” row in the REVENUE section for 2023 was used for individual countries and the EU-27 total. The net balance was calculated using values rounded to the nearest million euros, as the difference between revenue and spending.

    The color scale was chosen in analogy with the chart scale in the post “[Which Countries are EU Contributors and Beneficiaries?](”, which inspired the author to create this map. Country borders were taken from Eurostat ([source](

    The distribution of countries on the net balance gradient was implemented using the gradient legend from the [D3 library]( The map was created using [QGIS](

  2. Coriolis_PL on

    “Look, those countries on the east recive more, than they pay” works, until one looks at the net balance – then one may see, that the true beneficients of EU are those western leaches… 😒

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