1. Historical-Hat8326 on

      Irish, but want to clarify what you are asking.  

      Is your question, “Non-Irish people who now live here, what films / movies are traditionally shown in your country on NYE & New Year’s Day?”

      I ask as I too am interested! 

    2. NaturalAlfalfa on

      Never heard of Dinner for One, but after googling it, I think I’ll watch it tomorrow. Which version of Ivanhoe do you watch?

    3. Not sure we have a thing, like in Sweden you watch this mad Disney cartoon thing at Christmas right?
      Personally I watch a classic on New Year’s eve, last 2 have been Casablanca and Gone With the Wind, might be Lawrence of Arabia this year.

    4. ButterscotchSure6589 on

      I once spent a Christmas with a young lady and her family in Sweden, everyone just got drunk, no TV. But I still haven’t recovered from the fact Christmas day was on the 24th!

    5. Foreign_Energy_643 on

      Here in Britain (Newtownards) we watch the wind that shakes the barley on NYE and Michael Collins on New Years Day followed by a plunge in the Irish Sea in the hope we drown our imperialist selves for all our past wrong doings

    6. Yes my family does the exact same thing, my dad’s family is from austria

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