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This is terrible. I wonder what the mother who reported him is thinking now. I would hope she now regrets her actions if she has any empathy at all.
Travelling to Dubai and any nearby areas is just stupid at this point.
Who could have seen this coming, in a place with such famously lax laws regarding sex?
What an absolute fucking nightmare for this poor lad. I cannot imagine.
Didn’t realise taking extreme action in respect of women’s rights and ability to consent was such a key matter in Dubai.
I’ve never seen the fascination with going to places such as this with such backwards laws. You get all these Instagram idiots sharing photos there and tbh I’d rather spend a week living rough in a forest than go there.
Unfortunately being black there was unfortunate poor guy.
They are racist as fuck, let’s not forget that elephant in the room like the British media conveniently have..
And their courts aren’t exactly models of democracy.
Am surprised this case has gone this far based of a complaint when the mother was isn’t even in the country, he should have denied the claims and pleaded not guilty, that would either for the mother and daughter to go back to dubai for more questions or the case would be dropped
I don’t understand why people have a problem with this.
If a 17 year old had sex with a 15 year old in the UK, then surely you’d want that person to be prosecuted.
End of the day he broke the law in Dubai. Yes it’s harsh but it’s their laws. Maybr don’t travel to countries without knowing the laws?
The imbeciles who landed him in jail by reporting him are also British. They should be billed for whatever the cost of getting him out of this is, the scumbags.
Their country their rules. Don’t like it, don’t go. Or just obey the law of the land you are currently in.
This story is so fucked up and that girl’s mum is horrible
The mother is evil and I hope she gets what she deserves.
Maybe just don’t go somewhere and break the laws you’ve ignored…….
He is only 10 WEEKS older than her. By the time the mother pressed charges, the daughter was already 18 or was about to be. This was never a problem with the age, this was about race
Evil, vile, vindictive mother is 100% to blame.
Don’t victim shame him for going on holiday to Dubai, or for being a horny 18-year old. Don’t blame the UAE authorities for sticking to their own laws.
Blame the daughter’s mother for waiting until her daughter was safely out of the country before reporting him knowing full-well what the outcome would be. Absolutely disgusting actions.
Damn this fucking sucks. poor guy. also reddit is a disgusting website so many cretinous people here for some reason celebrating this kid getting locked up.
This should be a moment where British people decide to not go to shithole countries like the UAE tbh.
What psychopath would report a consenting relationship between a 17 year old girl and an 18 year old boy knowing the poor boy would be imprisoned?!
Some parents just don’t get it. So her daughter had sex with him at what would n be the age of consent in uk. So she was angry at the sex per se not the age as they would have had sex here legally. Ok, let’s park that.. what is she doing now then if her daughter is having sex? What is her anger driving her to do now when her daughter is 18, if she’s willing to destroy the boy’s life in Dubai? Is she locked in the basement?
I mean, all I can take from this is the mother of this girl is a absolute cunt.
Is it in Dubai that a woman can’t go to the police and say they were raped, because then they are arrested for sex outside marriage?
I used to work in Baghdad and had to constantly lay over in Dubai waiting for a connection.
The amount of guys in the company that were getting locked up there for using prostitutes, drugs and other general pissed up shenanigans was crazy.
I used to lock my hotel room door and not even tempt fate..
Why people visit these shitholes is beyond me, so many beautiful places in the world without insane rules
The number of people here who are licking a foreign government’s boot is depressing. The law can be unjust, cultural norms can be unjust. Grow a spine you heartless twats
This whole situation is sad. Hopefully he keeps his head down and gets through his time as quickly as possible. Prison over there is no joke. Do hope the mother gets no peace though, bet she’ll wonder why her kids don’t speak to her in years to come.
This is travesty of justice. The boy doesn’t deserve to be in jail, not if he had a relationship with a girl who’s 2 months younger than him.
Ah Dubai. The chocolate coated shit candy.
I much rather spend my holiday at home and doing house work than actually going to Dubai. Never understood the appeal.
I’ve seen a lot of comments like “should have kept it in his pants”. Are we forgetting it takes 2 to tango? She should be doing the same time as him.
Really sad story, I remember being bored shitless being dragged places I didn’t want to go with my parents at that age, can’t really blame them.
Honestly, I think the girls’ parents are awful for this.
These are the kind of people who would go to an execution and enjoy it.
I feel so sorry for him. Dubai is happy to appear progressive enough to entice young people and rinse them but will still act on their draconian laws when it suits them. Maybe the mother should think about relocating there.
This is awful and so vindictive. I feel for this young man so much
as much as I disagree with the law… he did break it.
Dubai ought to send an extradition request for the daughter. She did, after all, commit a crime in their country serious enough to warrant sending a young man to jail. Or perhaps for the mother since her daughter is a minor and as her parent she is the responsible adult and it happened under her *watch*.
Vile person. I hope she is exposed and gets some real public backlash for this heinous, selfish act. I’ll accept that in other countries, one must follow the laws – but abusing such laws in this manner is truly wicked.
I travel the world working. I respect the laws where I work. Everyone is putting the place down because of the age of consent at 18 and oh my god how backwards. Respect the place and their laws when you visit. Sorry about how he came to be charged, it still doesn’t replace the fact he broke the law in the country. It’s 12 in the Philippines, so should the UK overlook someone from the Philippines having sex with a 12 year old just because it’s legal there.