Neue Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung des Vogelgripperisikos angekündigt

Von Wolfwalker71


  1. Wolfwalker71 on

    I was ignoring H5N1 news over the Christmas period, but now it’s nearly over I need a new focus for my anxiety. Is anyone following its progress in the US? It has been detected in a good few herds of cattle in California, and has killed off some big cats in one of their zoos. 
    First case detected here at the start of December, which means it’s already here. 

    I have a very old moggie who likes an evening out on the prowl. It will annoy him, but I think I’ll keep him in for the next few weeks.

  2. To summarise:

    * Birds who have symptoms should self-isolate for a period of 14 days
    * Birds should reduce discretionary social contacts as much as possible.
    * Birds should remain within a 2 mile radius of their nest.
    * elderly or medically vulnerable birds should reduce as much as possible contacts outside home
    * there should be no mass gatherings:

    a) involving more than 100 birds if located indoors

    b) involving more than 500 birds if located outdoors

  3. Fucking government drones coming here amd pretending to be wildlife. Sure isn’t Michael Martin personally controlling them

  4. IntentionFalse8822 on


    Have we time for a quick run to Lidl.

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