Jimmy Carter hatte schon früh einen Verbündeten im Senat: einen jungen Demokraten namens Joe Biden



  1. HenryDorsettCase47 on

    RIP. That puts a hitch in the DNC’s plan to run him in 2028.

  2. Affectionate_Ad_9637 on

    In that picture, I imagine Joe is telling him his hair smells fantastic.

  3. bojangles-AOK on

    Please. The Democratic Party establishment sought to undermine and defeat Carter at every turn.

  4. le-rizzler on

    This media whitewashing of Biden is beyond comical at this point, it’s just gross.

  5. Ourmomentourtime on

    Ironic that Jimmy Carter, a good, honorable man, but considered a failed President died under the current President, who is the biggest failed President since Andrew Johnson.

  6. marriage_yawanna on

    Biden opposed desegregation while Carter fought for the civil rights movement.

    Carter spoke out against apartheid and ethnic cleansing. Biden funded a genocide.

    Carter was a towering giant of a man. Biden is a career politician with no moral center. These men are in no way comparable.

  7. danlinda321 on

    2 complete morons who completely destroyed their respective economies in just 4 years..Absolute disasters as Presidents

  8. IBetYr2DadsRStraight on

    It’s crazy that Biden was a young ally to Carter, who was 18 years older than him and president nearly 50 years ago. Carter was 52 when he was elected.

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