Ein mit russischen Soldaten beladener Lastwagen wurde von einer ukrainischen FPV-Drohne der Muramasa-Drohnengruppe getroffen, veröffentlicht am 30. Dezember 2024. (Musik von Quelle)



  1. Final_Pension_3353 on

    Needed some follow-up on what happened to that first truck – that must’ve resulted in a lot of hamburger.

  2. Available-Garbage932 on

    Ukrainians sure are making a lot of splatter films lately.

  3. ReddiTwinkletoes on

    🎶🎵🎶 *”They’ll drone ya when ya try to steal a pump,*

    *They’ll drone ya when ya try to take a dump…”* 🎵🎶🎵

  4. Philosopherski on

    Ukrainians wearing Japanese themed insignia using Chinese made drones funded in part by the US, shipped from Poland blowing up russkies while Indian music plays in the background.

    I fucking love it.

  5. Due-Extension1823 on

    What’s most hilarious about ukrainians trying to flex with these videos on Reddit is the fact that any educated person knows Russia firmly has their boot implanted in Ukraines ass so the hit to hit ratio is overwhelmingly in Russias favor, lastly these drone videos of attacks on Russian soldiers are just used by the educated unbiased mappers to prove the territorial gains made by Russia since its video proof of Russians being at that point and controlling everything behind them.
    Please share an unbiased mapper who is putting ukraine ahead of this war. Every single unbiased mapper is showing Russia making territory on a minute by minute / hour by hour basis it’s just a constant push forward in Russias favor.

  6. First hit was a meat wagon. This war is going done as the drone war. Still no real countermeasure against the small drones. The drones with fiber optics are probably the worst as they can’t be jammed at all.

  7. Final_Swordfish1791 on

    Holy shit I always used to kind of look down on the people who complained about the music in these videos but this is straight up the first time I had to slam the mute button so fucking fast. Ruined what looked like a better video also.

  8. r/ukrainerussiareport be like “classic UA, obsessed with gore.”

    Wonder what the top comment will be if this vid ever is approved on that sub

  9. CreepyFlan627 on

    Damn from BMP assaults a couple of years ago, to loafs and open top trucks as this year comes to an end…how many more failed assaults and equipment losses until the ruskies revert back to horseback cavalry assaults?

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