Student mit chinesischer Staatsangehörigkeit wurde verhaftet, weil er das Fenster der Fukiai-Polizeistation eingeschlagen hatte, nachdem er von der Shanghaier Polizei unter Druck gesetzt worden war


  1. MonteBellmond on

    >Translation of the article:
    On December 17, the Hyogo Prefectural Police Fukiai Police Station arrested a 22-year-old male university student of Chinese nationality living in Chuo Ward, Kobe City, on suspicion of destruction of property for hitting and breaking a police box window with a model gun. A male counselor (68) was inside the police box at the time, but was not injured.


    > He was arrested on suspicion of hitting a window glass with a model gun and damaging it at the Ninomiya police box in 3 Ninomiya-cho, Chuo-ku, Kobe City, before 2:00 p.m. on the same day. The suspect admitted to the investigation.


    > According to the police, a man with a model gun (75 cm in length) shaped like a machine gun visited the police box, and the counselor ran into a back room and called 110. When the police arrived at the scene, they found that a window pane had been broken and discovered that the man was the suspect based on security camera footage.


    > The man said, “Someone claiming to be from the Shanghai Police told me that the evidence of the criminal was stored in the computer at the police station and that he wanted me to hand it over. If you don’t hand it over, we will arrest you and your family.

  2. GuyFellaPerson on

    What a dog shit title the original source had Shanghai Police in quotes.

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