Versicherungen sind der Grund dafür, dass die Gesundheitspreise in den USA so hoch sind


  1. BiscutWithGrapeJahm on

    And it’s only going to get more expensive when Trump and Co. have their way. People will be begging to be on their current insurance plan because I’m sure millions will be losing coverage left and right when they cut protections for people with pre-existing conditions, put caps on care and get rid of program such as Medicare and Medicaid.

  2. “They want you to think that corporations. are more efficient than the government, right?

    You want to know why the health care industry is the most profitable business in the Unites States?

    ‘Cause the insurance companies take 24 cents out of every dollar that’s spent.

    You know what it takes the government to do the same thing for Medicare?

    Three cents out of every dollar.

    Now, what is all this crap they hand you about business being more efficient?

    These guys need to be regulated.

    You think these pigs are gonna regulate themselves?”

  3. Profit based capitalistic health was started by Nixon in the 60s. Maybe that?

  4. Of course it does. It a third, fourth and fifth party, just adds layers and layers of bureaucracy, and every layer needs to get paid.

    Ask yourself has insurance ever;
    Made care more affordable/cheaper?
    More available?
    Lowered cost of any part of medicine?
    Improved the quality of care?

    Basic scam line of insurance industry is that “ if we all sign up we will share the cost, and therefor our cost will go down” yet 20+ more million people signed up under Obama care and all of our prices went up!
    Insurance may work with car or house insurance, as most of us may never make a claim. Health insurance all of us will need care at some point.

    Everyone it is a scam, designed to funnel your money/ generational wealth to very few and make them very wealthy. It does not and has not helped you to receive better medicine or care.

    Yes I know that there will be stories of I could have never afforded my medicine without my insurance, but that just brings us back to the very first point. The cost of medicine has risen due to insurance companies/scammers.

    Universal health care now! It won’t be perfect, it will have its own flaws. But we can look around to every other modern nation, and learn what works and what doesn’t and design a system based of if this. Universal care is very different in different countries from Japan, Germany, France, England, Canada. We can do better. We just need our politicians Left and Right to work for the better of the people not for their own wealth/re-election.

  5. Insurance companies *are incentivised to raise costs as high as they can*.

    The [80/20 rule in the ACA]( places a legal requirement that they:

    >spend at least 80% of the money they take in from premiums on health care costs and quality improvement activities. The other 20% can go to administrative, overhead, and marketing costs.

    And profits, even if the ACA website glosses over that part a bit.

    And how do you make the real value of that 20% go up? Well, maybe you can optimize your way to some marginal improvements on the overhead portion, but wouldn’t it be so much easier to just make the pie bigger?

    Costs go up, premiums go up, and the value of their 20% goes up.

    And the people go bankrupt, suffer, and die.

  6. siouxbee1434 on

    It’s not insurance exactly…it’s the extortion of consumers BY the insurance companies simply to make money that is the real issue

  7. BoringThePerson on

    Solution: Get rid of insurance. Get rid of for-profit hospitals.

  8. Content_Log1708 on

    Restricting access, forcing people to use a middleman. That’s America.

  9. Unable_Mongoose on

    America’s healthcare system is a ducking joke unless you have a lot of money. The rest of the modern world has figured out universal healthcare and while some scream, “but in wherever they have to…” and it’s some kind of “ism.” You mean the rest of the modern world with better outcomes at a lower cost.

    American health insurance pretty much started in WWII as a way to attract workers when there was an extreme shortage of workers and has been tied to employment ever since. We’ve reached the point where some folks are so darned worried that someone will get something for “free” they’ll gladly pay more to make sure that doesn’t happen.

    Years back I had a test where the provider accepted *10 cents on the dollar* as payment in *full*. Yup, $100 test that the insurance company paid the provider $10. If I had gone in without insurance the provider would have wanted $100. How the duck is that not fraud, name any other place in the world where you get a 90% discount.

    For anyone who doesn’t agree with me, remember that a healthy workforce is a productive workforce.

  10. Remarkable-Moose-409 on

    I don’t understand how we pay do much for ins but then get nickled & dimed for co pays, deductibles, etc.

  11. Time to end the current US “healthcare” for profit system and convert to socialized healthcare

  12. More-Entrepreneur796 on

    You mean that a group of people who siphon off billions without contributing a single fucking thing, make the cost higher?? Whoah my head hurts.

  13. GooglephonicStereo on

    No shit, Sherlock. We’ve been talking about this for decades.

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