Zweiter Versuch. Ich dachte, es würde das Bild enthalten, wenn ich einen Beitrag von einem anderen Abonnenten teile. Wie auch immer, ich sammle alte Postkarten und würde gerne wissen, worum es in der Korrespondenz geht.

Von HeartlandOfTheReal


  1. blueditdotcom on

    It’s quite difficult hand writing. I believe that the last part says “in memory of Dennis”. First section is about someone or something being well, and all is well. Then something about them having luck, but nothing new that the receiver should know since last. My 50 cents..

  2. WickedWeedle on

    Bästa broder [otydbar] & alla må godt
    är min önskan
    Vi har haft lyckosam resa hittils och alt
    gått bra det är ej mycket att se snart så bär det af till Denver

    “Monday, August 19th 1910
    Best brother [undecipherable] & everybody feel well is my wish we have had [a] fortunate journey thuss [sic] far and evrything [sic] gone well there is not much to see soon we’ll be headed for Denver
    mimmi [not sure about that name]”

    The spelling varies between old-fashioned standard spelling and bad. The fact that new sentences weren’t capitalized, and that the punctuation is as absent as kosher vegan food at a bacon cheeseburger festival, tells me that the writer was barely literate.

    EDIT: I had a trial reading this–an interesting trial, but still–so I welcome corrections.

  3. Nordstjiernan on

    I’ll start with a transcription as best I can tell:

    M aug 19 1910

    Bästa broder ?

    Att alla må gott
    är min önskan

    Vi har haft
    lyckosam resa
    hittills och allt gått bra det
    är ej mycket
    att se snart
    så bär det av
    till Dennis
    min nu


    Monday August 10 1910

    Dear brother ?

    I wish that all are well.

    We have had a succesful journey so far and all has gone well. There is not much to see. Soon we will set off for Dennis, my now

    Edit: It’s Denver not Dennis.

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