Absicht oder Zufall? Für jeden, der unter einem Felsen gelebt hat, sind das pädophile Symbole. In Großbritannien ansässiges Unternehmen. Bin ich verrückt, weil ich es zurückgeschickt habe?

Von SonJordy


  1. totootmcbumbersnazle on

    Not everything is that. It’s a spiral on a cog going in the direction to turn it.

  2. Photojunkie2000 on

    I saw it immediately too.

    Feels purposeful and I’d be returning it

  3. BlackEyedBibliophile on

    So like. I can’t drawl swirls anymore? Nor eat pizza? Stop thinking too much into it. Not everything is out to get you.

  4. just wait until you take a closer look at diapers, books, other toys, clothes, shoes, etc. u will see them all over almost every kids item. was eye opening.​

  5. sillywillyfry on

    i think sometimes some things really are just coincidences lol

  6. New_Negotiation_5895 on

    Just wait that symbol is everywhere on children’s toys blankets you name it…..scary shit when ya think about it

  7. torcherred on

    I think spiral shapes have always been used on things that spin because they look cool. It doesn’t even really look like the symbol. In your world, what do you think of the bear playing the trombone? Pretty suspicious when combined. I prefer to see children’s toys as children would. What purpose would it serve to put pedophile symbols on it anyway?

  8. EchidnaPretty9456 on

    Kind of a pretty high-quality toy, personally I’d just remove the triangle and enjoy the toy.

  9. It’s just a squiggle. That’s not even the complete symbol without a second triangle enveloping the first.
    Or what. You think this pram is gonna be a meetup spot for pedophiles?

  10. missscarlett1977 on

    I could see these symbols as a way to communicate that they traffic children or know who does. Just like the pizza restaurants did.

  11. Obfuscious on

    Y’all just Baader-Meinhof everything in your life to confirm your own bias.

  12. Cookies_and_Beandip on

    Sometimes a hat is just a hat friends, stop looking for something that isn’t there

  13. Traditional_Gas8325 on

    A spiral? Can you explain how the spiral hurt you or your child?

  14. SwanAffectionate2655 on

    That symbol is all over Fortnite the video game. Wild how much people don’t see

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