Familie „am Boden zerstört“, als sieben Welpen Tage nach Weihnachten aus dem Haus gestohlen wurden


Von evenstevens280


  1. Odd-Willingness7107 on

    Some people really are oxygen thieving scum. I hope next year brings them pain and misery.

  2. lilianlaslandes on

    I hate scumbags like this so much I can’t put it into words. Those poor pups.

  3. Top-Custard-7297 on

    Their mum must be frantic with worry and anxiety. Hopefully, she’s reunited soon with her pups.

  4. Lurcher pups……hmm…now I wonder who’s done this??

    Usual suspects.

  5. PhoneOwn615 on

    My dogs are family and if this happened to me I wouldn’t be able to cope 😢 I hope the puppies are found

  6. Virtual-Guitar-9814 on

    if you got a fancy dog and its preggers dont brag on the internet!

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