Neue Beweise stützen Theorien, dass Russland kritische digitale Infrastruktur sabotiert


  1. They were fucking about with underwater internet cables months ago, as well as testing out their own sovereign internet.

    Was this not obvious as hell already?

  2. catnymeria on

    So just the underwater cables? Surely there’s proof Russia is doing FAR more than just that.

  3. BetImaginary4945 on

    I’d wager money they’ve already ploted and planned on how to cripple all worldwide undersea cables in under 2 hours. They do have a pretty decent submarine force.

    You have to plan for an Achilles Heel attack that would cripple your opponents and level the playing field for you.

  4. RottenPingu1 on

    So the people that have been arrested in Europe for sabotage and espionage or for whom arrest warrants have veen issued are just theories? I’m confused.

    Is it me or is journalism getting even more gutless?

  5. Silicon_Knight on

    The Cold War never ended. Russia just realized there was no point in advancing a military in the world of nukes. Destabilizing the west is easier to do from the inside using disinformation and hacking.

    Russia proves that china can take Taiwan and people will do nothing.

  6. Russia needs to be ended what ever the consequences. The axis of evil is real, although China was left out.

  7. Common_Senze on

    I wonder if/when the west will put the proverbial gun to patinas head?

  8. NordicGrindr on

    He knows our governments are too weak to do anything about it and America is about to feed us to the wolves or even become one themselves.

    We are properly fucked.

    Imagine a day without Reddit 🙁

  9. WastelandOutlaw007 on

    Nothing new here. Their attack via USB drives back in the early 2000s got USBs banned in the DOD, after causing millions in damages, so its not really anything new here.

  10. Putler will never cut the internet cables, it is clearly stated what the repercussions will be if the sea cables are cut.

    Posting feeble threats online are the last things orcs can.

    Viva Ukraine

  11. Kind-Ad9038 on

    What a surprise.

    The evil Russkies strike again.

    But, as with the destruction of NordStream… cui bono?

  12. teachbirds2fly on

    Russia could set off a fucking nuclear bomb in Paris and western media and governments would still be posting articles and giving speeches about “there is evidence that Russia may be up to no good”

  13. Are these articles serious?!!! It’s been happening for 10 years… wtf!? :))

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