Hallo zusammen, ich habe Schimmelprobleme in meiner Wohnung, insbesondere im Schlafzimmer und Wohnzimmer. Ich habe meinen Vermieter kontaktiert, er hat mir nur gesagt, dass er mir Farbe mit einer speziellen Schimmelflüssigkeit zur Verfügung stellen wird. Ich muss sie selbst streichen oder mir selbst ein Anti-Schmimmel-Spray von DM oder Rossman kaufen.
Ich habe eine 3-jährige Tochter. Wie schlimm ist dieser Schimmel aus gesundheitlicher Sicht? Da es im Hauptschlafzimmer passiert ist, habe ich große Angst, Rücksicht auf meine Tochter zu nehmen. Dies ist ein sehr altes Gebäude, die Innentemperatur beträgt 22 Grad (Wohnzimmer) und 20,8 Grad (Schlafzimmer), ich lüfte jeden Tag 15 Minuten lang.
Welche Rechte habe ich bezüglich dieses Problems gegenüber meinem Vermieter? Welche Vorsichtsmaßnahmen sollte ich treffen, bevor ich Anti-Schimmel-Spray streiche oder sprühe?
Jede Hilfe wird sehr geschätzt.
Mit freundlichen Grüße,
Von Responsible_Plate_33
* get a lawyer (eg by joining your local Mieterverein)
* find a new place to stay
* visit a pneumologist with your daughter to make sure, nothing bad has happened to her yet
You’re endangering your kid and yourself.
Get a hygrometer (measures how much moisture is in the rooms.) Get a dehumidifier Get a layer (Mieterverein) if you can prove it’s not you why the schimel is there you can decrease the rent till the Landlord fixed it and potentially get him to pay for a diffrent living accommodation while it’s being fixed.
If this is an exterior wall in an older building, you shouldn’t place furniture in front of it or at least keep a distance of about 10-15 cm between wall and furniture. Because otherwise the wall will get so cold that air humidity can condense on the wall and render it humid.
Also you should air the flat for a shorter time but more often. Air the flat at least 3 times a day in the following way at the current temperatures: Open all windows fully (do not only tilt/kippen) at the same time for 2-3 Minutes and then close them again.
Update: inserted “at least 3 times a day”.
I cannot help you with regards to your rights / legality but I can tell you that paint wont solve the problem.
This looks like a severe problem of the building … leave that flat, cut/reduce the rent, sue the landlord … make photos, consult a lawyer, proof that you are regularly heating and exchanging the air … this is extremely dangerous
If the problem is the humidity, try buying those chemical or electrical dehumidifiers. You can buy the chemical ones from DM.
Adding my two cents:
Two things I’ve learnt and applied while living in an old building:
1. Rearrange your room so that that particular wall is not covered by any furniture.
2. Cleaning it yourself is the fastest way of getting rid of it, specially when health is the main concern. Last I used a spray bought in Bauhaus and it took me a day to apply and ventilate.
If it’s a wall towards the window or outside then don’t have any furniture there! From the pictures it looks like you still haven’t removed it. Go to bauhaus or toom or similar shop and ask them what works best against schimmel and get it, spray and give it a day to properly ventilate