Ein Mann aus Luton, der fast 16.500 Pfund in Kryptowährung an die Gruppe „Islamischer Staat“ für „Märtyrer“ geschickt hat, wird inhaftiert


Von signed7


  1. Luton; you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

  2. socratic-meth on

    > He told a user called Xilofat: “I want to donate in the pathway of Allah….And then we engage in the killing, by grace of Allah.”

    > At the sentencing hearing, Ms Fairbairn said the defendant had made “frank admissions” that he had “no idea” what the money he sent was going to fund.

    I guess I could buy that if he was severely brain damaged…

  3. This means that someone buying crypto over the next few days will be funding terrorism, but we won’t know who.

  4. Due-Employ-7886 on

    This is a complete fabrication!

    There is zero possibility that someone living in Luton could be convinced that the world was created by a divine god.

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