Veröffentlicht am 30.12.2024
"*Brand des Elektrozuges EP2D am Bahnhof Dmytrow
Das Feuer begann gegen 02:15 Uhr Moskauer Zeit. EP2D-0014 und vermutlich vorsätzliche Brandstiftung. Der Elektrozug steht seit Juli nach größeren Reparaturen im DMZ in Dmytrovo und nahm nicht an Flügen teil.
Eintreffende Feuerwehren lokalisierten den Brand innerhalb von 20 Minuten.
Der Hauptwagen des Elektrozuges brannte nieder.
1 UPD: vorläufig: Im Depot Lobnya wurde eine weitere Brandstiftung begangen. Das heißt, in dieser Nacht standen mindestens zwei elektrische Züge in Flammen.
Wir klären die Informationen." (Automatische Übersetzung)
“*Fire of electric train EP2D at Dmytrov station
The fire started around 02:15 Moscow time. EP2D-0014 and, presumably, deliberate arson. The electric train has been standing in Dmytrovo since July after major repairs at DMZ, it did not participate in flights.
Arriving fire brigades localized the fire within 20 minutes.
The main car of the electric train burned down.
1 UPD: preliminary: another arson was committed at the Lobnya depot. That is, at least two electric trains were on fire that night.
We are clarifying the information.” (Auto-translation)
Excellent, brave partisan Russians 👍
Good work boys!
I don’t think its supposed to be doing that
more bavovnas please!
Burn baby burn
Glad to see more and more of these fires recently
More please…
Nice. Very nice
Well done guys
Viva la resistance!!!
Nice! This will be hard for Putin to chew,,, chew, chew.
Wow… Now it is steam locomotive.
this is awesome and more effective than trying to sabotage the tracks that can just be repaired in a few hours. probably harder to source parts to replace conductor train cars
Insert “do the line” meme with everything is going to plan
There seems to be a lot of partisan activity lately. Between the fireworks getting set off in offices, this train set ablaze, blown up train tracks, etc.
Burn bitch, burn!
Sadly the freight train next to it was left alone.
I’m sorry for not jumping on the bandwagon and cheering along with the rest of you, because I don’t see how setting fire to a passenger train is helping ukraine ! – hints for the partisans: the next time you decide to help then please look for a train carrying military equipment such as tanks and artillery and/or supplies like food, fuel and ammunition.