87 Soldaten der ukrainischen Streitkräfte wurden freigelassen (darunter 17 Soldaten), 43 Angehörige der Nationalgarde, 33 Angehörige der DPSU, 24 Angehörige der Marine und zwei Zivilisten, die in Mariupol gefangen genommen wurden. Kämpfer – Verteidiger von Mariupol, der Insel Zmeinogo, allen 5 heißen Richtungen. 173 Gefreite und Unteroffiziere sowie 14 Offiziere wurden freigelassen.
I bet the russians didn’t want to go back
Last pic with the fist and the look… he will be back. As a ruZZian i would not cross his way.
These Heros look like they could eat a real meal. Either way It is great they are back in their home land.
Serious question, what is the reception like in Russia for Russian soldiers who have been returned?
In the Second World War, captured Russian soldiers who were liberated and returned home were considered cowards, many spent years in the gulags just for the crime of being captured alive.
Home to freedom! Slava Ukraini!
Oh, that is always wonderful to see, Ukrainian heroes coming home in a prisoner exchange.
Maybe I am imagining it, but they look in better physical shape than those in some of the earlier exchanges.
Russia needs the troops.
The Russians, can’t imagine how they feel. Will it be:
Some kind of meat grinder groundhog day?
Will it just be plain fear for executions?
Happy to be back?
Really curious.
“The Russia”
Love that
This is why it’s worth keeping ruzzians alive, not because they deserve it.