Nachdem ich gesehen habe, wie ein anderer Benutzer eine Ansicht seiner Einstellungsdaten für die Fertigung gepostet hat, wollte ich zeigen, wie die Daten für die Rolle eines Datenanalysten aussehen. Alle drei Stellen waren WFH und wurden zwischen 80.000 und 120.000 pro Jahr bezahlt. Ich denke, diese Daten zeigen, wie schwer es ist, in eine dieser Rollen eingestellt zu werden, ohne einen Ansprechpartner beim Zielunternehmen zu haben. Die Erfolgsquote lag bei ~1 zu 600.

Von future_isp_owner


  1. Chickensandcoke on

    Are the “Did not Review” applicants auto-filtered out by some missing criteria or something or were their applications literally never looked at even by a computer

  2. This really puts into perspective how important it is to make a counter offer. If you’ve made it that far in the process, chances are good that they’re not going to start all over just because you asked for a higher salary

  3. nothingtoseehere____ on

    Same 1/3 ratio of applicants unable to be contacted after review for a job with a much harsher CV filter than the manufacturing one, interesting. Maybe these are the fake applications people spread rumours about.

  4. alexanderpas on

    You did not even look at 60% of the applicants, and only contacted 2.5% of the applicants.

    Meanwhile, 100% of the applicants that had an actual interview scheduled actually showed up.

  5. What are some of the reasons why an applicant would be rejected after a phone screen? This has happened before to me, and I have been baffled every time (and just ended up accepting a position with a competitor).

  6. devicehigh on

    I feel this is only useful or interesting if we get some background on the reason for the huge cuts at the first 2 stages

  7. slaincrane on

    And if I am not mistaken a median DA in a larger metropolitan area or big market stays at one workplace for like 18 months. Imagine how much resources companies waste by not trying to promote internal talents and instead keep losing and rerecruiting.

  8. MightyBigMinus on

    l bet the one who didn’t counter offer is the 80 and one of the two who did is the 120

  9. Zoolanderek on

    This makes me feel good about myself haha. I’ve been in my BI Analyst role for almost 2 years now but I was contacted for it via LinkedIn from a recruiter outside the company. Fully remote with great benefits and a good bonus, definitely had to beat out some stiff competition.

  10. Hellsteelz on

    60% not reviewed, yikes.

    Hiring managers have the easiest high paying job in the world.

  11. It’s interesting to look at. The counter offer segment is superfluous. The one should go straight from “Offered Job” -> “Accepted Job” -> “Started Job” and the other two should go from “Offered Job” -> “Made Counter Offer” -> “Counter Accepted” -> “Started Job”

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