Skigebiete in Europa

Von DependentPlenty4493


  1. InevitableOk5017 on

    Did you just google maps ski resorts in Europe and screen shot it?

  2. Scotland has 5. Cairngorm, Glencoe, Nevis, Glenshee and The Lecht. But it appears there are only 3 marked on the map.

  3. Pyroechidna1 on has a good world map that lets you mouse over and see the trail map for each

  4. Southern France/Italy is really a cheatcode!
    Sea, sun and even ski….

  5. Connect_Progress7862 on

    As a long time Portuguese immigrant in Canada, we still just hide when we see snow. It never stops being foreign to us.

  6. Constant-Estate3065 on

    There’s actually one in England as well, Helvellyn ski club in the Lake District.

  7. Very inaccurate for Latvia 🙁 not that we have any “resorts.” Point shown is a man made sledding hill. We have lat least six other downhill ski areas with 2+ lifts.

  8. Suspicious_Good_2407 on

    I like how there’s one single ski resort in Belarus (or Baltics, hard to tell) even though the place is flat as hell and the highest peak is like 300m

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