Aus diesem Grund ist Trumps Außenpolitik schwer zu fassen


  1. **From Jasen Castillo, associate professor of International Affairs, John Schuessler, associate professor of International Affairs and Miranda Priebe, senior political scientist:**

    It is common to hear President-elect [Donald Trump]( described as an isolationist. According to critics, Trump deserves this moniker because he would abandon the long-standing American strategy of deep engagement, which calls for promoting and protecting the liberal global order with U.S. economic and military power.

    But this isolationist characterization is off the mark. It overstates the likely influence of those who call for a more restrained U.S. approach to the world within a second Trump administration. Sure, there will be groups calling for a less militarized approach to Europe and the Middle East — including from within the Republican Party — but they face an uphill battle in convincing the administration to adopt such proposals.

    **Read more:** [](

  2. superamericaman on

    His foreign policy is hard to pin down because he is notoriously inconsistent, irrational, and lets personal interest and even outright flattery drastically change his own stance.

  3. frank_white414 on

    Everything he does is hard to pin down. Which way is the wind blowing today? Who has pissed him off over some petty disagreement this week? Start there.

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