Die USA kündigen militärische und sonstige Hilfe für die Ukraine in Höhe von 5,9 Milliarden US-Dollar an



  1. I’m hoping to see a lot of Bradleys as a part of this package. Fingers crossed.

  2. WasThatWet on

    Maybe Joe will get a little silly and hand over some B-2 bombers and a couple squadrons of F-35’s on his way out the door. A final “F*ck y’all” to Putin. Yeah, I thought I had a shot at MEGAMILLIONS the other night too.

  3. KOZOtheKID on

    God damn the EU needs to step the fuck up the US has done more than every EU nation combined

  4. UpperCardiologist523 on

    Any post that makes US citizens upset about European contribution and any post that makes Europeans upset about US contribution is ruZZian propaganda and posted to make us fight eachotherl.

    Lets talk about the small things after the implosion of ruZZia, shall we? We can figure this out, but lets take care of our common enemy first.

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