Über 260 Personen wurden in der Weihnachtszeit wegen Fahrens unter Drogen- oder Alkoholeinfluss verhaftet


Von AdEconomy7348


  1. ParaMike46 on

    Wonder how many scrotes in balaclavas on stolen bikes arrested? Anyone has number which is bigger than 0?

  2. GaryTheFiend on

    We need more roads policing and harsher punishment for driving dangerously. Fuck all chance that’ll happen though!

  3. AdEconomy7348 on

    I wonder how many of these are driving right after pints and how many are driving the next morning and there’s still some alcohol in your system.

  4. Smiley_Dub on

    More prison space needed. Without more prison space it’s light / suspended sentences all round.

  5. Illustrious_Read8038 on

    So does that mean 260 people lost their licenses for at least 3 months?

  6. yamalamama on

    Yet how many deaths have their been? This strategy is not having any real impact in terms of improving safety, it’s just collecting money for next year.

  7. KobraKaiJohhny on

    We need a period of zero tolerance high enforcement on the roads. A targeted campaign in late school years.

    A total shift in attitude and mindset towards road use is clearly required. Far too many people think low standards are acceptable, think drink driving is acceptable, speeding is acceptable.

    We need enforcement, but we need to start much more loudly calling out things like phone use, casual speeding and light breaking.

    This is a SOCIETY problem.

  8. drumnadrough on

    This sliding scale offence is a joke. Up here in the North you test over it is a licence loser and at least a years ban and retest

  9. TheStoicNihilist on

    I’ll never understand people who do the thing when Gardaí announce they are out to catch people doing the thing.


  10. Alter_list on

    Wonder how many of these are poor fuckers who had a spliff 3 days before but are eagerly gobbled up for the stat padding

  11. I don’t understand how people can drive under the influence in the first place. The only grey area I can think of is THC, even though you might not have smoked it in days, 100% coherent and sober, it’s still in your system

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