Laut einer Studie ist Premierminister weniger links als die meisten Labour-Abgeordneten

Von Dawnbringer_Fortune


  1. BarnabyBundlesnatch on

    No one needed to “research” this. Its like researching if people have noses. You can just look and see.

  2. No_Rope4497 on

    Is this surprising? Generally speaking the leader of your party tacks more to the centre in order to win more voters

  3. Anybody who’s paid attention to this guy’s career since 2015 knows that 💀

  4. SenatorBiff on

    There isn’t anyone actually left wing within a mile of our parliament; every party is wedded to the economic orthodoxy, and a couple of them want to do what we already do but *more* which apparently constitutes ‘reform’ somehow. 
    It’s an entirely pointless bit of research about something that barely even exists

  5. hitanthrope on

    Sure. When the Labour Party decides it would be nice to actually win an election, that’s usually when they pick a centrist for leader.

  6. The crack down on benefit abusers and reduction in migration already made this guy more right wing than the so called Conservatives who ignored 2 of those core issues the right care about.

  7. Sea-Caterpillar-255 on

    The only thing the government has done is increase taxes and have a mini (non legislative) immigration crack down.

    That’s way too few days points to decide anything.

  8. 0ttoChriek on

    PM more of a centrist than most of his MPs? Oh, what a huge shock! That never happens in British politics!

  9. No_Breadfruit_4901 on

    Starmer’s political swing is so interesting. He goes from full left wing on his leadership election to full centre in late 2021

  10. Beardy_Will on

    But in what context? As the Chris Rock joke goes “I’m a conservative when it comes to robbery, but when it comes to prostitution I’m liberal”.

    I’m a lefty for the most part, but there’s some things I definitely lean more right on.

  11. dantes_b1tch on

    This didn’t need research. Anyone actually left wing could have said this.

  12. Icy_Collar_1072 on

    No shit. Deals with Saudis, selling country out to Blackrock, austerity-lite, same Tory trickle down bullshit, child benefit cap, refusal to tax the very wealthiest at all, supports crackdowns on protests, drug policy out of the 1960s, adopted far right soundbites on immigration.

    The bloke is Labour in name only, time to get a proper leader representing the party who puts workers above billionaires and corporations.

  13. Skeet_fighter on

    Research suggests sky may be blue and water has the potential to be wet.

  14. Well yeah, Starmer has always been on the right of Labour and conducted a brutal and dishonest campaign of suppression against the left. I suppose it’s good to have some “research” to back that up a bit more objectively, but everyone knew this already.

  15. Lettuce-Pray2023 on

    As opposed to leader of the opposition who is trying to be as right wing as possible.

    That Jenrick is justice Secretary is laughable

  16. Willy_the_jetsetter on

    And that is a good thing. We don’t want, nor need, Corbyn type politics to become mainstream, we need a centre ground.

  17. Lots of people saying the UK is becoming more right wing, and i don’t think that’s true across the board.

    People are still distributed across the political spectrum AND they have a view on immigration. You can be a staunch left winger and want a stricter immigration policy.

  18. The British public are also more right wing than most of their MPs so it’s probably not a bad thing for him to remind them what people are looking for from this government.

  19. JohnSmiththeGamer on

    This is based on 1000 councilors’ opinions and specific to the economic left-right spectrum.

    Dang, I thought they’d done DW nominate on their voting.

  20. tolkienfan2759 on

    Oo, it’s “research suggests” again… one of our most popular items this Christmas! Supplies may be limited, don’t wait…

  21. Duck_on_Qwack on

    Still more left wing than the fucking Tories.
    Small victories people, it’s a step in the right direction.
    Don’t let perfection be the enemy of progress.

  22. ThatGuyMaulicious on

    I just don’t even know what he is. He just represents more of this broken and deluded system.

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