Die Schadensersatzansprüche für Elektroroller sind seit der Pandemie um mehr als eine halbe Million gestiegen


Von Fox_9810


  1. TheOxalisDragon on

    I wonder how many people who use them don’t genuinely need one.

  2. radiant_0wl on

    I wonder if it was an own goal by the government when they was doing the disability assessments through ATOS all those years back and claims was being denied constantly despite quite often being valid.

    If people even hinted that they were able to achieve something one day that was judged as their capability despite disabilities being flux and some days were better than others. I sense that it grew a culture where it was required to over estimate abilities as they was the perception that any help could be taken away.

    One of the (theroised) consequences of that was more poeple claiming for higher tiers of disability then they would of initially.

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