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Of course it is, along side with climate change
It will be a nice cocktail
We need a frontier.
Simultaneous societal and ecological collapse, what a combo!
Get out of here Seldon.
Every Institution starts with the best of intentions and eventually gets taken over by progressively worse leaders simply because the most qualified are too busy or not interested in the role so the positions get filled by the corrupt. Under these conditions Revolution becomes not only necessary but inevitable.
The path was always there to see, in the old films and TV show etc. The flow of money is simple really, they talk about wealth creators but wealth is not created it’s printed by sovereign governments. Once printed it’s distributed by the economy. What we have seen since the 1980s is a massive effort to shift wealth to a minority of people. Some of these people now have enough wealth to buy positions in government and soon they’ll own countries. Of course you won’t see this printed on an label but it’ll be there, maybe in the next ten years.
We need a foundation at the other edge of the galaxy to ensure the coming disasters will last only 1000 years instead of 10000
We need the Mario brothers
In the USA now, yes.
Whereas, the civilized world has already addressed the basic social services and needs over the past 50 years and their citizens have already accepted the concept that all people have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. So, they can and will eventually handle the adjustment to AI replacing all laborers and the economic paradigm shift that is UBI (aka a “Star Trek” economic worldview).
But the USA is now 50 years behind the rest of the world and the latest election makes it crystal clear that the 1% is so in control, they don’t even fear repercussions from the 99% or their formerly bought and paid for proxies, politicians from both major political parties. I don’t see any hope for America to make the transition to even a 20th century social system, let alone the inevitable 21st century one.
Yes, to answer the question. 100%.
Question is will a natural disaster do it before we can? Blame greed and control. Those two things make life foul for 99% of us and fantastic for the 1% that have no emotions and love to control everything.
“Societal collapse” would likely be limited to specific societies, not the entire world at the same time due to the same causes. If say, the US, Europe and China all collapse there will still be functional societies existing around the globe. We are like cockroaches – too many to successfully eradicate entirely. No worries. 😉
The first step to saving the world is not allowing any one person or household to possess more than 999 millions of dollars in assets and/or income.
> is societal collapse inevitable?
Next question.
Built an arsenal with credit cards
Just to be that guy… the civilization on Easter island didn’t exactly collapse because of their own doing,
This video explains it much better than I ever could and I love any opportunity that it get to get this guy more exposure
It’s already happening.
Let it collapse
No. [1]
[1] [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betteridge%27s_law_of_headlines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betteridge%27s_law_of_headlines)
Civilization is a rollercoaster. The goths couldn’t even understand grand Roman architecture. Temhey thought giants built the aqueducts.
Capitalism (the greed component) has been out of control forever. I’d say it’s hit the apex, except it continues to push itself further, as the wealthy have been able to lobby, buy, influence and win positions of power to further extend themselves.
It doesn’t feel like there’s anyone or anything fighting against it in a meaningful way anymore. This last US election has helped drill another nail into that coffin. Not that democrats are saints, but at least they had efforts in progress and spoke about average citizens. Not the fearmongering or indirect benefits republicans try to sell.
All the chaos already since the election hasn’t shown any benefit to the people. Just a lot of rich people fighting, threatening, talking about all kinds of policies that will not benefit anyone except themselves and their class.
It is depressing.
I fucking hope so. If Luigi doesn’t inspire the revolution we need to save this version of society in time, then a collapse will at least allow us to trim the needed fat and try to do it right next time.
Folks keep saying AI will topple humans. They may be right. But my guess is that we over consume our resources in the hunt for general intelligence and that expenditure will collapse our society from underneath our feet.
Yeah, but using the Rapanui image is misguided as their societal and ecological collapse happened from Eurooean diseases and invasive rats, not their supposed overuse of resources. That’s some Jared Diamond propaganda BS.
The 99% has already lost the AI race. Look forward to the billionaire class and military/intelligence manipulating the populace. Bread and Circuses. On a grand scale.
“We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas.” – Previous Generation
This is why Trump is the Antichrist. He’s coming in just at the worse time possible.
I don’t see how we can possibly avoid massive deaths and shifts in the world in the next 2-3 decades. The political will to do what needs to be done isn’t there. And people are culturally, in many parts of the world, not really to de-growth and evolve their definition of true wealth.
So we’re all going to be collectively taught a massive lesson Indigenous cosmology has known for thousands of years: we’re all connected and everything we do affects everything else.
My only sliver of hope is some massive technological breakthrough that can scale fast enough to remove carbon and at the same time re-wild massive swaths of land quickly. With AI and potentially fusion, who knows what will happen there? But we’re drawing thin.