Länder, in deren Reisepass Französisch vermerkt ist

Von CalligrapherOther510


  1. Most former Soviet bloc countries had French – especially those using the Cyrillic alphabet. As few outside their borders would understand the Cyrillic script, they needed to have some Latin language. But since the Americans did not have Russian, so the Russians would refuse to use English. The given reason was that French was the international diplomatic language – a statement that might have been true during the 19th century.

  2. The slovak passport has “This passport contains 34 pages” written on its last page in all EU languages including french (ce passeport contient 34 pages)

  3. I totally respect OP for responding to every single person criticising his weird post.

  4. IllResolution4351 on

    The most recent mexican passport (biometric issued since 2021) doesn’t have French anymore. Just Spanish and English

  5. Yeah as an Aussie, it’s weird that French is on our passport. I’ve met like one French guy (who was an actual Aussie citizen, not a backpacker) in my entire life.

    Should be Mandarin or something (heaps of Chinese here + their writing system looks cool).

  6. British passport has *three* different kinds of French: Modern French, Medieval French, and Norman French.

    (We were colonised by the French, in case you’re wondering.)

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