Pläne für einen 15 Meter hohen 5G-Mast in Newton-le-Willows wurden nicht genehmigt

Von Ophiuchus171


  1. Ophiuchus171 on

    > The application claimed: “The proposed works have been designed sensitively in consideration for the character and appearance of the surrounding area in which the least impactful scheme has been proposed to minimise the visual impact of the proposal whilst also ensuring the coverage objectives can still be achieved.”

    > However, planning officers ruled the monopole would cause “unacceptable harm to the character and appearance of the area”.

    > In a report, case officer Alex Ball said: “It would be located along a straight stretch of the road, meaning that the monopole would also be prominent in views along this street as well as for some distance when travelling along Barron Road in both directions.

    > “Overall, the siting of the monopole would be a dominant feature that would be obtrusive in this location and visually detrimental to the area.”

    It’s an industrial estate…

  2. EfficiencyLarge2925 on

    Our local rag was massively against a 5g mast at one point, including some insane takes from the local nimbys. Six months later they ran a story on the local cellular black spots….

  3. As someone from St.Helens im not surprised, i think we one of the towns with a large elderly population especially up in Newton with the markets still existing.

    They are scared of snything they don’t understand, its pathetic

  4. super_sammie on

    Essential infrastructure to benefit the masses should not be open to objections from the public or morons. We could employ a team of say 12 experts who will independently asses the impact of these installations and skip the whole planning process.

    I say this as someone who had to wait months for full fibre to be installed in my “rural” property because the previous owners were worried about resale value and the impacts of gigabit on their health….

    The fuckers even boasted about it when we viewed the property that we wouldn’t have to worry about our child’s health as they “only used copper”

  5. The gov fixed the planning laws , now we just need these boomer nimbys to die off already and we might get somthing built.

  6. Well at least they’ve stopped the brain cancer rays / Bill Gates’ mind control rays (delete according to your preferred conspiracy) for now.

  7. tinawoodturner on

    Fifteen million would be a bit too many. No wonder planning permission was refused.

  8. It’s fine people are happy on 3g and EDGE signal anyways

    Third world ass country sometimes I swear

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