Irland warnte die USA, dass die Einstufung der IRA als Terrororganisation mehr Menschen zum Beitritt ermutigen könnte

Von 1DarkStarryNight


  1. One_Inevitable_5401 on

    That isn’t a great look for the bloody sense of people or the Irish government

  2. Additional_Olive3318 on

    The warning was in a “briefing note”. We don’t know what was said in the meeting. 

  3. NumerousBug9075 on

    I don’t know anyone who hears “that’s a terrorist organization” and thinks “cool, sign me up!”

  4. Token_Singh on

    It’s RIRA being referred to tbf, not the IRA… RIRA were just a rabble of scumbags. They were best ignored, as history has proven.

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