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Didn’t Juggs say he was voting no confidence regardless of leader?
The only thing that can save the current iteration of the Liberal party for a while is prorogation
The whole caucus needs to be swept for supporting this government for 9 years.
It was urgent a year ago. At this point there’s lots of merit in letting him go down with the ship. I suppose the issue is you could hold onto a few more seats with an interim leader who intends to step aside after the election anyway.
Not surprising, the current projections show they are likely to finish third, behind the NDP, in Atlantic Canada.
Let’s just have an election. In a time of national crisis, the LPC is only concerned with their own internal politics. They should try putting Canada first for a change.
I am a representative of Mr. Trudeau I was told to pass this message on.
We’ve gotten to the desperate “hope to jettison the captain to save the ship” stage.
It won’t work, the time for a leadership change and regrouping was a year ago.
I hear the job market ain’t so hot in Atlantic Canada, better start polishing off those resumes and working those contacts…
How long before Mark Carney steps in to save us?
Trudeau has got to go asap. That party is gonna be done for a decade at least.
I’ve voted Liberal for most of my life but I think that Trudeau has outlived his usefulness to the party.
I think the only reason he keeps on is due to ego. A real leader would gracefully step aside.
Reasonable Liberals will be losing the next election simply because they didn’t throw him out. Spineless lacks that let an idiot take control of the party, they have no business running our country.
They’re still holding out blind hope of winning a seat or two if they flush their leader.
Putting lipstick on the pig won’t make it any more appealing. Canadians hold the entire party responsible for what they’ve done.
Hey Atlantic Liberal Caucus – just vote with your feet.
The liberals just figured out that not only is the prime minister a servant of the people of Canada… But so is the their political party since they are the one’s that formed government. Are they now figuring out the fact that the liberal / ndp coalition is now a threat to their chances when it comes down the polls as the remainder liberal / ndp strongholds will fight against each other and split the vote amongst each other while giving a clear path the conservatives??… I mean the statistic numbers from multiple organizations are all showing an overwhelming tell-tale sign that its over… This might just be the end of a the liberal party of canada to be honest..
And….water is wet.
I think it’s already too late for a new leader to possibly turn things around. That ship has sailed.
Frankly, they should just call the election and face the music imo. If they actually keep this dying minority government going for the full term till the mandated election in October, the voters will punish them very hard for it.
Too late. 6 months ago this would have been reasonable, now just call an election.
No mention of Trudeau toady Dominic Leblanc…
He is going to prorogue because his ego will absolutely not allow him to resign.
It’s urgent for the liberal party. Because that’s what matters to the corrupted.