Drängen Sie auf einen „klaren Zeitplan“ für die verspätete Lizenzreform


Von PoppedCork


  1. PoppedCork on

    What other services need to go hand in hand with these reforms? Are the Gardaí able to police the longer hours

  2. Shane_Gallagher on

    The state should not be regulating when a private business should open. Maybe it’s a runover from our catholic past maybe I’m too political but idk seems a bit of a nanny state

  3. I was interested at the start but I’m too old to go out that late now.

  4. Opening-Desk4835 on

    No offence, but for the youth I can see why it is great idea to have it but really with an overly strong drinking culture like ours that simply put we don’t know how to and when to say no. I know some of us can but ALOT cannot and I think we shouldn’t have this to be honest.

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