Wie China Mitglieder seiner Diaspora zu Spionen macht



  1. Character-Peach9171 on

    Crafty and with full media control and full control of individuals identity, they are sitting ducks. Just like us, apparently.

  2. I’m headline responding b/c the article is not free, but this seems like all the more reason to ban TikTok.

  3. Expensive_Internal83 on

    Establishment BS designed to turn us against our fellow citizens.

    Fight the real enemy! Effective representation at *ALL* levels of governance requires mutual respect and integrity.

  4. The short version seems to be “the way any county does”.

    People seem to forget that countries are constantly spying on one another, *especially* if the government of that country acts hostile. Given how hostile we’ve been towards China, this is among the most obvious results.

  5. MaxChaplin on

    83 years ago there were similar headlines about a different Asian-American group.

  6. blakewarburtonc on

    China out here playing 4D chess while the rest of us are just trying to remember our email passwords

  7. Sinophobe bullshit. China hasn’t dropped a bomb since the 70s but they want us so scared of Chinese people.

  8. RebelliousDragon21 on

    Can anyone post the context. There’s paywall on the link.

  9. 3uphoric-Departure on

    Please focus on and be frightened of the scary Chinese (and the Russians & Arabs). Anything and everything to distract from the exploitation of those who run your country.

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