Ich habe mein Teleskop an seine Grenzen gebracht und mein detailliertestes Mondbild aller Zeiten aufgenommen



  1. daryavaseum on

    I really proud of this image and how it looks, you should ZOOM IN and see watch all the small details.
    I pushed my telescope to the limit, using modified skywatcher 250p flextube on equatorial mount NEQ6 pro with ZWO ASI 678mc + (UV/IR cut filter with 2x barlow of course) and I’m very pleased with how this looks.
    A first quarter phase moon was captured on 9th of December.
    The native resolution is close to 125 megapixel.
    26 panels has been stacked (3000 for each and 20% stacked)
    The color layer was captured by the same gear with native focal length (1200mm) + Badder MPCC mark 3 coma corrector.
    You can support me by following my instagram.

  2. DarkRedDiscomfort on

    Do you have a “grey” version? Like, visible spectrum only. Beautiful shot btw.

  3. Mad-Hamburgers on

    Thought this was a nasa photo or something when I first saw it

  4. KnightHonor2457 on

    What is that stuff on the moon? If it’s resources I don’t know why they haven’t mined it yet.

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