Trumps Zolldrohung ist ein Zeichen dafür, dass Kanada über die USA hinaus diversifizieren sollte


  1. CanuckCallingBS on

    I’ve been hearing this same idea since I was in school. 50 years of nothing.

  2. IronNobody4332 on

    Canada isn’t great when it comes to that front.

    Go out to the prairie provinces and mention that you want to diversify the energy sector for example and you’ll get shouted down for “being a woke lib and hating oil”.

    Like maybe having all the eggs in one basket is a bad idea, but that’s communism now so I’ll fuck off I guess.

  3. Snowboundforever on

    It is time to cap foreign investment in our industries again.

    We should also be leaning in our trading capability with Europe and South America.

  4. mayorolivia on

    We’ve been trying 40 years and dependence on US has only increased. We’re just too lazy to do it given the richest country on the planet is next door.

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