Mexiko entwickelt eine App, mit der Migranten Warnungen verschicken können, wenn sie von US-Einwanderungsbeamten festgenommen werden


  1. I feel like carrying a cell phone while sneaking across a border makes you easier to find and be tracked.

  2. ComprehensiveFly4020 on

    What is the alert supposed to say, “Help me I got caught breaking the law by being in a foreign county illegally and now I’m in trouble for it”?

  3. These people are Mexican citizens who fled Mexico seeking political asylum in the United States. Renouncing their homeland and government, seeking protection from it. It seems strange that they would want to alert their oppressors that they were being repatriated. That is a strange thing to ask, and a weird thing for them to do willingly.

  4. futuretardis on

    So Mexico wants to help their citizens who break immigration laws in another country? Why not just give Trump more reasons to go after Mexico? In the end it doesn’t help anyone.

  5. Capt_Picard1 on

    Maybe they should start by testing it on the cartel members and the people they threaten first.

  6. What is stopping a government agency from simply tracking users of this app

  7. StrangeCharmQuark on

    ITT people who think all people detained by ICE from Mexico are actively crossing the border on foot.

    Our immigration system is a massive mess and it’s getting worse. Mistakes are made and people get detained in inhumane ways. Trump actively wants to deport people who have been living here for years, thats who ICE is going after.

    A real way to make a dent in illegal immigration from Mexico is to crack down on big businesses hiring undocumented workers to save money and abuse without protections. But republicans won’t do that because those businesses are their friends and donors.

  8. Zestyclose_Pride1150 on

    Let’s see how many idiots download this android app so the Mexican government can spy on them lol 😂

  9. dragu12345 on

    I am glad they are launching this app, it makes the US government accountable to actually follow through with the deportation process rather than send migrants to a concentration camp. It ensures of people are picked up in the US that they are delivered in Mexico as agreed. I’ve been concerned about people just disappearing and not having any numbers on people detained.

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