GUNTER: Der Generalgouverneur sollte es vermeiden, Trudeaus Abgang zu beschleunigen


  1. Jaded_Promotion8806 on

    Funny article to come from the Toronto Sun of all outlets but totally correct. Of course aside from the CPC I don’t actually see anyone seriously advocating for the GG to interfere in any capacity here.

    Floating the idea at all speaks to a level of entitlement and privilege that doesn’t really belong in a properly functioning democracy. Maybe we could all stand to be humbled a little so we take our jobs as voters a little more serious in the future.

  2. Majestic_Bet_1428 on

    The CPC supported the 2021 convoy where they asked the HG to dissolve parliament.

    PP’s been in politics (with no track record) for 20 years.

    He knows – or should know the rules by now.

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