Quellen: NATO (2020), OECD Social Expenditure Database (2020)

Von Character-Ticket9971


  1. baes__theorem on

    we’re gonna need a bigger x axis soon if Apartheid Clyde’s budget proposal goes through 😐

  2. Character-Ticket9971 on

    NATO – [https://www.nato.int/nato_static_fl2014/assets/pdf/2020/10/pdf/pr-2020-104-en.pdf](https://www.nato.int/nato_static_fl2014/assets/pdf/2020/10/pdf/pr-2020-104-en.pdf)
    OECD -[https://www.oecd.org/content/dam/oecd/en/publications/reports/2020/11/social-spending-makes-up-20-of-oecd-gdp_4afe7b22/89e34d81-en.pdf](https://www.oecd.org/content/dam/oecd/en/publications/reports/2020/11/social-spending-makes-up-20-of-oecd-gdp_4afe7b22/89e34d81-en.pdf)

  3. YakEvery4395 on

    Error, correlation not found

    Edit : Coordinate (0,0) not found either

  4. Character-Ticket9971 on

    Vertical Blue Line: 2% of GDP (NATO recommended defence budget)
    Horizontal Blue Line: 20% of GDP (OECD average)
    Red Line: Trendline

  5. All of this data is available for 2024 and yet you decided to use outdated documents, when so much has changed in the world.

    Years of post-covid inflation happened. Russian invasion happened.

    Some of these countries have doubled their defense spending and made major shifts in social spending.

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