Staatliche Schulen erhalten durch die Abschaffung der Mehrwertsteuerbefreiung für Privatschulen eine Steigerung um 1,7 Milliarden Pfund

Von HadjiChippoSafri


  1. mao_was_right on

    Glad we can finally plug the £500-per-day-taxi-for-each-schoolchild funding gap.

  2. dearlordnonono on

    Roughly £50k per school per year just from VAT money.

    Not going to be world changing but welcome when schools are basically broke.

  3. Acceptable-Pin2939 on

    But I was told that this would have some random opposite effect reducing equity somehow.

  4. Wont somebody think of poor Thomas Taylor-Thomas Or young Fergus Fitzroy-Ferguson

  5. Dullboringidiot on

    The rebalance is happening.

    Any arguments against the rebalance are rich selfish people.

    I don’t like Starmer btw but feeding the rich for 14 years has left us on our knees in the public sector.

  6. ConnectPreference166 on

    Good! Glad to see Labour doing something right for once.

  7. Potential_Cover1206 on

    Did no one here notice that if schools are being chatted VAT, they can claim VAT back on building work already carried out ?

    This figure is frankly a bad guess in a single report that the government has not bothered to test.

  8. Frankly private schools should be scrapped. Finland has it right in this area imo. Make the toffs and rich kids go to a state school, they want to donate to education they can do it nationwide.

    There’s no point to these institutions other than to give the old boys a place to network before working age.

  9. heppyheppykat on

    Thank goodness.
    Given the state of SEND provision being in the news lately, this money could be really helpful.

  10. not_who_you_think_99 on

    Maybe there is a reason why virtually no other country taxes education.

    Greece tried it, and it backfired massively, with many private schools closing and tax revenue dropping.

    New Zealand taxes education but also gives subsidies to families going private, so not comparable.

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