Lasst uns kontrovers werden. Das am meisten überbewertete Bier in Belgien?

Von theta0123


  1. Jupiler’s prominence in bars, at barbecues, etc. and its position as the go-to standard pils is ridiculous considering how shit it is.

  2. I’ll be downvoted for this : I think Orval is completely overrated. It’s a good beer but people make it sound like it’s the beverage of the gods.

  3. saschaleib on

    Delirium Tremens – great name, I give you that … but do people actually drink that stuff *voluntarily*?!?

  4. Dutchie854 on

    Vroeger veel Tripel Karmeliet gedronken maar sinds de overname van Bosteels door Inbev niet meer. Kutbedrijf.

  5. Leffe.

    (and what’s even more painful is that it’s marketed outside Belgium as a quality / ‘abbey-style’ beer. And that in for instance the Netherlands folks think they are enjoying a top Belgian beer. It’s arguably the worst beer on sale here.)

  6. up-with-miniskirts on

    Stella, the Heineken of Belgium.

    Both somehow became palatable during a period when medication altered my sense of taste and smell. Never again.

  7. Ostravaganza on

    Belgians mostly agree Leffe is utter shit, but internationally it still sells way too much.

  8. TransportationIll282 on

    Jupiler by a country mile. If it was priced like kaiser I’d still struggle to choose.

  9. I don’t understand why people like to hate on Jupiler when Maes, Primus, Cristal and Palm exist…

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