Ein leuchtend rosafarbenes Taxiunternehmen mit ausschließlich weiblichen Fahrern will nach Bradford expandieren


Von High-Tom-Titty


  1. There was a post on a UK sub I saw yesterday about a woman taxi driver who wasn’t sure about the job – clearly there is a demand, just might need to form a company to offer the service or even a franchise

  2. TheLegendOfMart on

    Sad that it needs to exist but it’s great that it’s doing well.

  3. ImJustARunawaay on

    Does this really fulfill the exceptions in the equality act to be legal? Doesn’t really feel like it, just feels like straight up sexism

  4. If this was in London, I would use this.

    I don’t want to be shitty to male drivers but I have had too many weird experiences with male Uber drivers at this point.

  5. individualcoffeecake on

    Isn’t it extremely dangerous for them to do this in Bradford of all places?

  6. mccancelculture on

    But what if predatory blokes legally change their names and gender and then dress and live as a woman permanently so they can use these taxis to molest women?

  7. Hot-Novel-6208 on

    Nope. Still never sending my blonde teenage daughter in one. Ever. Zero trust male or female.

  8. Competitive_Buy6402 on

    As much as I support this, UK equality laws prohibit them from not hiring male drivers. It would be discrimination based on sex. I remember an insurance provider called Sheila’s Wheels a while back but not sure whatever happened to them.

  9. bigboiii0076 on

    This is actually a really good idea for safety and wellbeing for men and women..too many women when they go out drinking have to worry about male cab drivers perving on them and trying to take advantage and too many male cab drivers have to deal with false allegations against them so dedicated female cab drivers pretty much eliminates this problem! We should be funding this in every area

  10. DecorouslyDecorous on

    Jesus fuck, gender divisions now? We need to equalise the playing field, not introduce gender segregation

    This makes it seem like all male drivers have issues, which is certainly not the case.

    Any accusations of misconduct is the exception rather than the norm.

  11. ItsDantheDoggo on

    That was a lot of words for “a taxi service for the religious that forbid the sexes mingling”

  12. northseaview on

    I don’t want to be shitty about all blacks, but I’ve had some pretty weird experiences with some, I’d prefer to drive only with whites. 

    Oh, maybe that makes me sound like a racist bigot. Let’s swap it out for men and women. There, sorted. That doesn’t make me sound like a toxic bigot any more, does it?

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