Im Kanton Aargau wird 2026 ein neuer Kernreaktortyp getestet

Von BezugssystemCH1903


  1. BezugssystemCH1903 on


    >__The prototype of the Copenhagen Atomics nuclear reactor is set to be tested in Switzerland as early as the end of 2026.__

    >According to the SonntagsZeitung, the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) and the Danish company are planning to operate the reactor in the municipality of Villigen AG. While operating such a reactor for research purposes is prohibited in Denmark, it is permitted in Switzerland.

    >The small reactor is expected to enter serial production starting in 2030 and will be sold worldwide. When operating at full capacity, it could supply electricity to approximately 80,000 households. The reactor uses molten salt as fuel and is designed to be particularly safe.

    >Nevertheless, critics have warned of potential risks, given that it is an experimental project. “Even though these are comparatively smaller facilities, accidents could have enormous negative consequences for people and the environment,” Nils Epprecht, managing director of the Swiss Energy Foundation, told the newspaper.

  2. swisstraeng on

    If journalists say a single bad thing about new nuclear plants that’s not true I’ll slap them until they say otherwise.

  3. PsychologicalLime120 on

    Of all the ridiculous things that are illegal here, testing an experimental nuclear reactor isn’t. Amazing.

  4. Why didn’t they select a less populated area, like in Wallis or Graubünden?

  5. HF_Martini6 on

    Most people here don’t seem to know the difference between testing a thing and it being experimental.

    Also, nuclear power is the safest and least deadly form of energy “production”, the only reason we still have nuclear waste is that no one wants to invest in their re- or upcycling.

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