Wie weit in der Schwangerschaft kommt es zu den meisten Abtreibungen?

Von AdIcy4323


  1. I always thought it was legal only up to the end of the first trimester. And anything past that was to save the mother. Or because a child would suffer a horrible death because of their organ deformities.

  2. tattooedtwin on


    I don’t know the exact source OP used, but the map says CDC so here’s 2021 data from the cdc about abortion in America, in which it states that less than 1% of all abortions took place after 21 weeks (and less than 7% past 13 weeks) – this is in the whole country.

    This CDC source also lists Missouri as an “excluded area” among California, DC, etc. explaining that these areas did not provide “continuous data”

    I imagine the reason we see data that’s clearly not accurate in Missouri (and perhaps other states) is that they reported some data, but not enough to provide a statistically clear image.

    Nowhere in America are the majority of abortions over 13 weeks gestation.

  3. BedroomAcrobatic4349 on

    7-9 weeks is the most reasonable. And abortions past 12th week must be considered a murder.

  4. Magdovskie2000 on

    New Mexico 6 weeks as a blue state? Someone from NM to enlight me about this?

    And people from Texas, how is the situation with abortion?

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