Hallo liebe Finnen, ich liebe Karjalanpiirakka und habe schon versucht, sie zuzubereiten. Das Bild zeigt meinen ersten Versuch. Ich habe jedoch das Gefühl, dass ich die Technik, sie zu formen, nicht wirklich auf den Punkt gebracht habe, also frage ich mich, ob Sie irgendwelche Tipps haben, die Sie weitergeben können? Kiitos!


Von destitutex


  1. SlothySundaySession on

    Now this is what heaven is, Finnish culinary experience of the Gods.

  2. Mthepotato on

    They look home made and delicious, I see nothing wrong with them!

  3. I suspect there’s a genetic component to the ability to do this, it really is the hard part. My gf’s late grandmother was the real deal from ceded Karelia and she was a machine at this, and my gf is very good at it as well. I on the other hand suck and can never improve.

  4. genericjeesus on

    Most common thing is overstuffing that makes the wrinkeling hard. Try putting less riseporridge next time but in anycase these look delicious and makes me crave more eventhough I’ve eaten a ton in the past week

  5. eatshitake on

    They look delicious, just as they are. But you know what they say, practice makes perfect and I’m sure one or two of us can be imposed upon for tasting, if you insist.

  6. cactusnational on

    Reminds me of my grandmas cooking. Looks a bit like a thrushy vittu, but tastes nothing like one. I prefer a Lihapiirakka with a shit load of salt though. I’ll probably wind up with clogged arteries when I grow up.

    Long live Finska!
    Death to Ruski!

    Love you all 🫶


    These look good! Remember not to overfill them otherwise the wrinkles will “straighten” themselves.

    I would recommend creating a “mould” so you can always cut an exact “circle” from the dough, then just like 1-2 spoons of porridge.

    For these, I think they are slightly overfilled and you can make them better by adding less porridge, making lots of wrinkles and then if it looks “empty” add a bit more porridge afterwards.

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