Menschen mit einer Wachstumsmentalität – die glauben, dass unsere Fähigkeiten, unsere Intelligenz und andere Eigenschaften alle veränderbar sind – haben in schwierigen Zeiten mit größerer Wahrscheinlichkeit eine bessere psychische Gesundheit. Eine Wachstumsmentalität war während COVID-19 mit einem geringeren Ausmaß an Depressionen und einem höheren Maß an Wohlbefinden verbunden.
I’ve linked to the news release in the post above. In this comment, for those interested, here’s the link to the peer reviewed journal article:
From the linked article:
People with a growth mindset – who believe our abilities, intelligence and other attributes are all changeable – are more likely to have better mental health in tough times, according to an international study during the COVID-19 pandemic. The researchers surveyed 454 people in the US at three points from 2020-2022, assessing whether their views aligned with a growth mindset and their mental health over the time period. The researchers say a growth mindset was associated with lower levels of depression and higher levels of wellbeing and adjustment to the change of routine during COVID-19. They say a second study focusing on 174 older adults supported this link. The researchers say a growth mindset is something that can be taught, and developing a growth mindset could potentially help people get through tough times.
“Optimists tend to be more optimistic”
“The researchers say a growth mindset is something that can be taught, and developing a growth mindset could potentially help people get through tough times”.
Sure, just give over your credit card, it’s that easy.
Personally, I’d rather have another hole in my head than have some random tell me how to live my life and ask me to pay for it.
You know what a “growth mindset” means in their terms? “believe our abilities, intelligence and other attributes are all changeable”
That’s just being human. You don’t pay extra for it.